Can't seem to get SMALL eggs anymore


In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 4, 2008
Just an observation from the past couple Easter holidays.

I used to be able to get SMALL eggs in a 36 or 48 count carton years ago. I always thought the SMALL eggs were ideal for Easter egg hunts and coloring so that you weren't stuck trying to eat a bunch of JUMBO eggs at the end of the holiday.

I can't seem to find SMALL eggs anymore at the grocers or supermarket. I'm sure chickens are still laying them. It's not like they genetically bred a superchicken that only lays extra-large jumbo eggs. Have they?

Or do all the small eggs go to the egg beater, pasteurized egg product factory? Or the cake factory?
The grocery stores here have small, med, lg, xtra lg/jumbo, not to mention organic, cage free, and free range or the designated brown "country" eggs.
the small an super large eggs are sold to bakeries.since they are of differant sizes.the bakery industy is the only use for eggs not meeting grade A standards.

I passed along a dozen of our naturally colored Easter Egger eggs to a family that my grandmother knows (who have 2 young children)...


I let my kids color a couple of my bantam eggs, they were blue, and they took the color so much better than the white eggs..
Notice how bright the color is on the couple little bantam eggs as compared to the Large whites. I might just let them color all blue eggs next year.


So, you should definately get some bantams so you have small eggs!
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I have 3 Silkie hens and have 4 other Bantams in the brooder right now (not sure if they are hens or roos). We keep the small eggs for ourself and sell the large and extra-large eggs.
the small eggs were usually a pullets first few. I remember seeing racks of those too but it's been years and years.

The commercial growers probably find it easier to destroy those rather than get separate containers for each size.
I used to work for Nulaid Eggs, years ago. 'Good' eggs were used the whites for Best Foods mayo and also sent to Japan for amking fish cakes. The yolks, 'sour' and 'blood' eggs were used for dog food, and 'blackrots' were destroyed. We processed fresh eggs and 'store returns', including non-grade A's and small eggs.

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