Card playing chickens


5 Years
Dec 31, 2014
North Dakota
My chickens must have had a meeting and decided to all stay inside and play cards.. The weather here is terrible and not one has ventured out- very rare for my kids. And this is only the beginning of a long few days. I'm wondering if I should venture out and close their door.
Are they safe from predators? Do you have snow or strong wind blowing into the coop? Does the coop have good ventilation when the door is closed? Are the feeder and waterer inside the coop? When you say the weather's going to be bad, what does "bad" mean (I know this varies by region)?

I know it sounds a little like 20 questions. The basic idea is that dry chickens can take way plenty cold. Moisture buildup is dangerous. If the birds are safe from predators and dry, you may be fine with the door open.

I've got a great picture of them playing cards!
Sometimes it does seem that they've held a meeting and taken a vote. The flock seems to have a single mind where they all decide to do the same thing.

I have one flock with their own coop in the main run, and another sub-flock of just four hens with their own coop. These four were separated this summer when they decided they were going to go on a rampage and bully everyone.

Anyway, the main flock of thirteen hardly ever venture into their coop during the day, except to lay eggs. The four in the other flock can often be found hanging out in the coop, doing nothing at all for several hours. Sometimes I think they're inside because it's so miserably cold, but they've done this on mild days, too.

Who really knows? But I would leave their door open, if I were you, just in case they want to change their minds.
Are they safe from predators? Do you have snow or strong wind blowing into the coop? Does the coop have good ventilation when the door is closed? Are the feeder and waterer inside the coop? When you say the weather's going to be bad, what does "bad" mean (I know this varies by region)?

I know it sounds a little like 20 questions. The basic idea is that dry chickens can take way plenty cold. Moisture buildup is dangerous. If the birds are safe from predators and dry, you may be fine with the door open.

I've got a great picture of them playing cards!
Good Questions......

I too see them playing cards.... lol.... a take off of the dogs playing cards.

I have a fenced in run with electric fence at the bottom ( three strands). Good and water are both inside. What I mean by bad weather is strong wind and actual temps of daytime highs of 10 below and 20 below at night.
I hate to loose all the heat their little bodies have put out. They have an automatic door and I've been leaving it open until about noon to see what they're plans for the day are. They've been comI g out in all kinds of weather before but 10 below for a daytime high is just too cold it seems.
I have a fenced in run with electric fence at the bottom ( three strands). Good and water are both inside. What I mean by bad weather is strong wind and actual temps of daytime highs of 10 below and 20 below at night.

Shut the door. Make sure you don't get any moisture buildup in the coop.

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