Caroline, Sweet Caroline (Update, Post 21, Feb 27)

Always a sad time when you lose the old timers. Although in a strange way I feel honored I was able to keep them to old age and give them a dignified retirement, and ultimately a respectful death.

Here's a neat story about my very first pet chicken. My mother purchased her from a feed store because all I wanted for Easter was a chicken. I was 12 and had a strong work ethic. Mom and I bartered-I had to mow grass-which I did thus I earned my very first ever pet chicken.

LaPeep arrived at probably 2 days old and fit in the palm of my hand. She arrived in my life when I was 12 and was alive and living with me when I was married at 21. She died when I was 22. That single chicken created the most unique childhood memories anyone could ever have. Although I mourn her death, to this day I celebrate her life and the memories she created. And that is what life is all about. At least it is for me.
Always a sad time when you lose the old timers. Although in a strange way I feel honored I was able to keep them to old age and give them a dignified retirement, and ultimately a respectful death.

Here's a neat story about my very first pet chicken. My mother purchased her from a feed store because all I wanted for Easter was a chicken. I was 12 and had a strong work ethic. Mom and I bartered-I had to mow grass-which I did thus I earned my very first ever pet chicken.

LaPeep arrived at probably 2 days old and fit in the palm of my hand. She arrived in my life when I was 12 and was alive and living with me when I was married at 21. She died when I was 22. That single chicken created the most unique childhood memories anyone could ever have. Although I mourn her death, to this day I celebrate her life and the memories she created. And that is what life is all about. At least it is for me.
I couldn't agree more. They are such dignified animals, if people would only really observe them, I mean really see them. I've watched hens preside over the death of their head hen, then themselves become the head hen, only to have the next in line watch over her as she declines. It's like a passing of the torch. Few get to see that, probably because they refuse to believe what they are seeing. I feel blessed. They are not stupid as rocks, like some would have you believe. I've seen enough to know they have intelligence and dignity. Of course, like humans, some are smarter than others, LOL.

What an amazing story about LaPeep! I hope one of my girls lives to that ripe old age. They are so precious to me.

Caroline's crop is still baseball size after 24 hours without food and with multiple massages and pushing food back through the passageway. It just is not working. When that happens, it's only a matter of time. They can't go on long with that condition. She sure outlived her genetics, though.
I'm so sorry for your loss of Barb, and I pray that Caroline will make a recovery.

If it makes you feel better, in some way, I just recently lost all three of my silkies. One died in the coop amidst the late hours of the night, one got taken by a hawk when, unbeknownst to me, the coop cover got blown off, and my favorite of them all, Isabelle, eggbound while I was at work. I blame myself for all three deaths, but there's nothing I can do, now.

You are in my thoughts, Speckledhen.
Thank you so much, Hannah. I'm so very sorry for your losses as well. We do our best, don't we? But we can't work magic. It is what it is. We do our best for them and hope to ease their exit from this life to whatever extent we are able.
Beautiful Caroline will leave an empty place on your mountain Cyn...she is such a presence there. And sweet Babababarbara....that wonky comb and girl. I miss Athena terribly and so does Lancelot, he has not been eating right since she passed away so I am getting him some special treats on my grocery trip this weekend. This has been a horrible time Cyn....both here and at your place but Spring is coming.
Spring is coming? Are you sure? This year, I have my doubts. Worst winter I remember since being here, and that includes the one when we had lots of snow. This year with the near zero night temps and high winds was much harder to deal with than plain old snow.
Quote: Like the say you put that. A new batch sure does a heart good! They don't really replace the ones you lost because they are all unique and different, but they sure help you feel better and more optimistic!
Like the say you put that. A new batch sure does a heart good! They don't really replace the ones you lost because they are all unique and different, but they sure help you feel better and more optimistic!
Thank you. I find that they do my heart the best healing because I feel less horrible, taking care of something so delicate that relies on me. Helping them to grow into big, healthy, happy clucks makes me feel less like a let-down to my girls, knowing that I raised a clutch of delicate chicks.

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