Cars are NOT for sale..........

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Recipient of The Biff Twang
10 Years
Mar 14, 2009
Ok, so I am a paranoid person... Had a bio parent go looking for the daughter that got him locked up and he was coming to kill her.. Anyhoodles, this is one of MANY reasons that I hardly ever go around unarmed.. so yesterday a car slowly goes by my house, stops, then backs up and is just slightly out of sight by the big oak tree in the front yard. A guy gets out with lots of ink, leather jacket and slowly walks back and forth across the front of the property looking back. I have 2 of the 5 vehicles we own parked at the back of the driveway. Not liking how he is checking things out I head out the front door as I'm putting one in the chamber of my .45 and slide it in the back of my belt.

He must have heard the slide slam closed because he jumped. There was no way he saw me, and I did it as the front door was closing itself behind me. Obviously he knew what it was. He saw me walking towards him and I hollered hello. He hi'd me back and walked within 20 feet of me. "Any of those cars for sale?" Um... No buddy, they are not. There is no for sale signs anywhere. "Oh, cuz I noticed you guys have a lot of ........ (and he looks towards the back again where I'm building a new shed with all of my outdoor tools in view) uh.... cars.."

No buddy, nothings for sale here.

Oh... And he keeps staring and looking at me.

I get a funny feeling from this dude... He looks wacked out. He starts moving forward towards the driveway and I tell him bub, time to move on.. he looks at me, then he notices my hand on the butt of the gun and finally gets the idea.

Do these feces bags really think we ALL go quietly? Didn't get the idea from the first no? After thinking about it last night and today I am thinking that I am NOT a statistic because I was armed and ready. I could have read this situation all wrong but somewhere, some primordial alarm was going off and I listened. This afternoon I was reading about break in's happening in my area... and I wonder... Who else did he visit yesterday? Was he related to any of the kids I've taken in over the years? Was it random?

Are ya'll ready and willing?
my new house is somewhat close to town, but it's def country life here. I can hunt in my back yard for pete's sakes.. Is that normal? To come knocking on doors to ask if somebody wants to sell something? Uhhhhhhhhh NO! If he was some random person he probably didn't realize I have 3 teens of driving age...

At best he got the best scare of his life and a lesson about tresspassing.... at worst...... Well, I don't know... but I am still feeling odd about this dude and this encounter.

Went outside one day to find people with the hood of my truck open taking parts off it. That was a fun incident. I told them the cops were on their way and that the security system had already forwarded pictures to the police department via email. You should have seen them take off. What they didn't know was that the stuff they were trying to steal was no good anyway. That truck hadn't been started in a while. Battery was one thing they were trying to take and it was no good.

We went through a spell where all of a sudden people started stopping to ask about our "cars for sale." We had the same situation. Had no signs out and no cars for sale...

Finally told one of them that if he showed back up again he wouldn't like the consequences. He got the hint...

Thank goodness I have since moved...
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I feel odd about him just by reading about it.

He was casing your place.

Just a couple of months ago we had the police intervene in a home invasion in the making. Busted the kids outside the house with loaded, cocked guns, ski masks, and a change of clothes. That was right across the street from me.

I think you should follow your instinct.
my new house is somewhat close to town, but it's def country life here. I can hunt in my back yard for pete's sakes.. Is that normal? To come knocking on doors to ask if somebody wants to sell something? Uhhhhhhhhh NO! If he was some random person he probably didn't realize I have 3 teens of driving age...

At best he got the best scare of his life and a lesson about tresspassing.... at worst...... Well, I don't know... but I am still feeling odd about this dude and this encounter.

When we had about 6 cars on our lot (parent's place) with 4 drivers, lol most of the cars were "undesirable" notbody ever asked about buying them.
Except a neighbor asked about my dad's 1970 Chevy van, but he was a neighbor, ya know.

Don't ever ignore that odd feeling. The only trouble I've ever gotten into was when I ignored my gut feeling. I also did NOT get robbed on a pizza delivery by following my instincts. Trust your gut!
We are the last house in the holler. If I aint expectin' you and I dont recognize your vehicle on sight, you should be worried.

Since the parent of DD's abuser showed up 2 weeks ago and Law Enforcement wasnt willing to respond, well....things have gotten a little less welcoming 'round here.

My next call will be to let them know that I am holding a trespasser at gun point, maybe they'll hurry on out here then. =/
I agree with pbjmaker.....follow your first instinct.

We keep a gun in every room of the house, if some one comes on our property that wasn't invited, we make sure our family is well protected.

I'd rather be a little paranoid than the television subject of "Film at 11:00"
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