**Casey Anthony Verdict In ..**

That's what it boils down to. Evidence is what's needed to convict.

What is sad, so many on here ,ready to seen her to her grave without knowing the facts.

We don't know ,

Just because she's found not guilty doesn't mean she truly isn't guilty of killing that child. A loving parent does not act as she has.
I don't think this is the last we will hear of Casey Anthony.

She will go to jail for giving false evidence to law enforcement.

And you know what that charge is?

One that will put her out in the general prison population.

Where she will be a trophy kill.

Most of the women in prison, are mothers. And enough of them will not take kindly to being in the same facility as Casey Anthony.

No, I am not in favor of 'prison justice' nor 'vigilante justice'.

I am in favor of our country being run by laws, and being based on laws. The same laws for every single person, good, bad, 'weak' or indifferent.

Everyone did their job in this one. The officials of the court did what they had to do, as painful as it was for all of them.

The defense attorney has said it right, 'There are no winners in this case'.

The defense attorney said that he has very mixed feelings about the case as well. And he complemented the prosecution team as well. Each one.

He says this case brings about new questions and challenges for the criminal justice system.

He says that the media and the public have to respect the American constitution.

I agree. We cannot try crimes in the media.

The senior defense lawyer also mentioned 'lawyers getting on TV and commenting on what they know nothing about'.

And I think I know exactly who he's referring to in that comment.

Someone the media very, very much could do without.
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I dont think she will go into general population. Its too high profile a case...
The prisoners are not the only ones who will take out their feelings on her. Coming from a family of correctional officers...
What is sad, so many on here ,ready to seen her to her grave without knowing the facts.

We don't know ,

Just because she's found not guilty doesn't mean she truly isn't guilty of killing that child. A loving parent does not act as she has.

Oh I didn't say she was not guilty , just the facts didn't prove it. Thats one thing about our courts, rather set a guilty person free ,rather than sent a innocent person to their death.
Believe me, any member in prison would tell you the horrible things they do or hearing them screaming and yelling when they DO find someone who kills or molest kids....not a pretty picture. Most of them would do the worst in a horrible manner.

Her parents looked disgusted and left in a hurry.

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