Cat inflicted injury


In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2021
So based off some other threads I have gathered my girl will be just fine but I’m curious if anyone has other suggestions that I haven’t seen.

About 2 hours ago I discovered my cat had scratched one of my chickens in the face. She was bleeding pretty bad and I could tell the injury was to her comb but all the blood was making it hard to see. After cleaning it up with hydrogen peroxide I could see that there was a large slash that went in one side out the other. Luckily her comb is still intact but the cut is deep. I applied some neosporin and the bleeding has stopped. My biggest concern is infection do to the cats nails. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it and they are all in the dark roosting right now so pecking isn’t my concern as of yet. I’m hoping by morning the cut is sealed up. If I need to isolate her I will but I’m wondering what kind of meds people would recommend I get to use and or have on hand for this kind of stuff.

The attacker AKA Gary the Scary Cat is strangely fascinating to my Buff Orpington Bernadette and I had hoped they would be friends, now I’m guessing that’s not going to happen.


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So based off some other threads I have gathered my girl will be just fine but I’m curious if anyone has other suggestions that I haven’t seen.

About 2 hours ago I discovered my cat had scratched one of my chickens in the face. She was bleeding pretty bad and I could tell the injury was to her comb but all the blood was making it hard to see. After cleaning it up with hydrogen peroxide I could see that there was a large slash that went in one side out the other. Luckily her comb is still intact but the cut is deep. I applied some neosporin and the bleeding has stopped. My biggest concern is infection do to the cats nails. She doesn’t seem to be bothered by it and they are all in the dark roosting right now so pecking isn’t my concern as of yet. I’m hoping by morning the cut is sealed up. If I need to isolate her I will but I’m wondering what kind of meds people would recommend I get to use and or have on hand for this kind of stuff.

The attacker AKA Gary the Scary Cat is strangely fascinating to my Buff Orpington Bernadette and I had hoped they would be friends, now I’m guessing that’s not going to happen.
You cleaned it well and put on an antibiotic ointment. That's all that was needed.
I would not hesitate to leave my bird in the flock with such an injury. Just inspect it each night at roost time. You can apply more ointment then to be on the safe side. It should heal well.
I once had a hen bite a small chunk out of a White Leghorns wattle. All I saw when I looked out the window was my pure white bird strolling around the pen without a care in the world with blood down her throat and onto her chest as if her throat had be slit. Wattles and combs bleed profusely and can be quite the sight when you are first dealing with them.

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