In the Brooder
We had to boot all the chickens out of the coop today to build dividers and a new "apartment" for our new birds. I figured out a way to set the unused space in the coop aside for our newest additions to the flock. The newbies are about 4 weeks old and they are a bit small to be left alone with the adult birds. But they are too big to leave them in the brooders. While working on the new space for the youngsters I stopped to fetch the camera to take pics of the coop and the rest of the flock. They were all outside and enjoying the sunshine. The birds in this photo were added to the coop about a month ago. They are all from our first hatch back in February. The ladies were taking a dust bath in the sunshine and then the young males decided to come over and hang out with the girls. Heh, teenagers right? Can you spot the 2 boys?