'C'ats 'A're 'T'ruly 'S'pecial

Are his eyes open? I can't quite tell. If so,he's at least 6 days old. Kittens eyes open on day 6. He's absolutely precious. I'm jealous.

His eyes weren't open yet. But I LOVE when those little precious kitten eyes do begin to see the world for the first time.

Those precious little eyes opening.

I think this is Ivory. One eye is still partially closed, the other just opened. At this stage I believe they can barely see, probably just movement and shadows, but it sure makes them so cute!
Holy cow bad day here with my Luna Bug. She was in a mood and got scared by my Mom's blow dryer and bit me bad on the finger and gave it all she had she also raked me across the palm with her nails pretty deep. Ouch! Well anyway Mom's a nurse and cleaned and bandaged me up but now I'm wondering BC Luna's always been jumpy despite being raised just like our other four bottle babies, the difference is that she was orphaned at a day old when her mother and litter were wiped out by a lawn mower.

Could she have subconscious PTSD?
She's fine if she sees the noise but this started behind her when she couldn't see it.

Idk all I know is I've worked with feral cats and kittens and I've never been bitten that hard or bled that much from a bite.
Holy cow bad day here with my Luna Bug. She was in a mood and got scared by my Mom's blow dryer and bit me bad on the finger and gave it all she had she also raked me across the palm with her nails pretty deep. Ouch! Well anyway Mom's a nurse and cleaned and bandaged me up but now I'm wondering BC Luna's always been jumpy despite being raised just like our other four bottle babies, the difference is that she was orphaned at a day old when her mother and litter were wiped out by a lawn mower.

Could she have subconscious PTSD?
She's fine if she sees the noise but this started behind her when she couldn't see it.

Idk all I know is I've worked with feral cats and kittens and I've never been bitten that hard or bled that much from a bite.

Yes, ouch. Cats can hurt!

Poor thing, loosing her family. She was lucky to have you there to help her. Because kittens are deaf as babies I doubt that is what is causing her fear. I've found cats to be very fearful of loud noises whether they have had bad experiences or not. I have three barn cats that we have only ever been nice towards. One of them even nursed kittens in my lap when she lived in the basement. However, now she won't let me get near her and every time I walk towards her she runs for her life. I never hit her or grabbed her or was mean or yelled or did anything! I handled her since day one, we bottle fed her a few times to help her mother out. It is just her personality because feral cats adapt, in just a few generation, to know that fear is what keeps them alive. They have it inside of their genes to be jumpy because only the timid live. That is how our cats have avoided being caught by dogs, coyotes, hawks, and being hit by cars.

One time, when I was carrying Tiger-tail out to the barn after having treated him for a bad wound (they get to go in the basement if wounded by a stray cat) I hit into a gate and it made a clanging sound. He scratched me up jumping free and running for his life. You'd think he would know I would look out for him, but I guess its just instinct.

One other note I thought I would add. There is this "syndrome" in cats, dogs, and certain other animals that are orphaned at a young age where they seem more prone to random acts of aggression. It is caused by having not been taught by a mother of their own species or being raised around siblings to let them know what is right and wrong. No matter how hard we humans try to teach them they just don't seem to get it. Our orphan cat will bite and scratch and growl his little head off if you do anything he doesn't like.

Cats will be cats I guess.
Yes I do know some of it is probably BC of her mother being semi-feral. But could it have been the vibrations of the mower. We weren't the ones who hit them mind you but we do believe she was also run over by the mower as she had some tendon damage to her front right leg. We had a very look at it and he suggested waiting BC she was so very young he thought she'd heal well and she did.

Interestingly of all 5 of our cats they were all ferals/Luna the semi-feral barn cat and four were bottle raised. Luna did get interaction from our cats at a young age something we've never done before but being that she was so young when we got her and all alone we felt it was a good idea. Knowing that their siblings and mother would generally teach the manners.

We're hoping fixing her will settle her down. She was the sweetest little kitten and ever so gentle but she's more a bobcat now lol. I love her to death but she's very much the typical cat stereotype. Which is something in all my experience with cats feral and domestic having worked at a cage free no-kill animal shelter that trapped and took in ferals to save them as well as tending/taming/and rehoming my own feral cat colony I've met only maybe four cats with her temperament in my life.

It's a labor of love earning a cat's trust I'm sure lots of us on this thread know and I wouldn't have it any other way Luna is here to stay regardless. But it would be easier on our other cats and on her and me if she would go back to the impeccable manners I taught her as a kitten. I hope fixing her can do that. We wouldn't have waited as long as we have but we weren't expecting to keep her and the money for it wasn't available until now, as DH2B's father who was supposed to take her (his girlfriend put down her foot in his house about cats inside) has most graciously offered to pay for it.
Spaying her should help. The funny thing is we found that our tomcats were all nice except the one that was neutered at a young age. Same with our female cats. The one female spayed at a young age is grumpy and the two spayed after having a litter are either timid or friendly. Actually, one cat we have was only ever nice (though handled since day one) when she was pregnant or nursing. As soon as she got spayed she became terrified of us and won't let us get with-in like five feet of her without running away. We've never done anything wrong to her, its just how it works I guess.

However, in your case Luna should settle down with being spayed because that will tell her she doesn't need a new territory and a boy friend to be happy. Teenage cats can be a handful.
Spaying her should help. The funny thing is we found that our tomcats were all nice except the one that was neutered at a young age. Same with our female cats. The one female spayed at a young age is grumpy and the two spayed after having a litter are either timid or friendly. Actually, one cat we have was only ever nice (though handled since day one) when she was pregnant or nursing. As soon as she got spayed she became terrified of us and won't let us get with-in like five feet of her without running away. We've never done anything wrong to her, its just how it works I guess.

However, in your case Luna should settle down with being spayed because that will tell her she doesn't need a new territory and a boy friend to be happy. Teenage cats can be a handful. :p

I'll go along with that.

...Luna's thoughts, "Hmm I wonder how much I can get away with...?"

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