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Oh, sorry. You said you'd put the chickens back in after you saw the cat. I was wondering if one disappeared from the pen or if they were out in the yard again when it disappeared. (I.e was something penetrating the pen?)
Now I see, no they were outside and sometimes they are out when we are not home. So far nothing has been in the barn. That's where we keep them. We did see bear droppings at the end of the yard. At least that's what my DH said they are.
Actually my barn cats seem to help keep other predators away. The cats are mostly scared of the grown chickens and give them a wide berth. Apparently being popped on the head by a chicken really hurts!
Likely there is a cat rescue program near you that would help collect the feral kitties. Having the cats taken away and fixed solves your problem and keeps you on happy term with your neighbor. They can't really blame you if their cats just vanish. (Plus you are doing a good deed by getting those cats into good homes!)

Good luck!
First, I'm sorry you are losing chickens. That is always so hard.

I'm also guessing that it isn't cats taking your chickens. I have heard of a feral cat getting an adult chicken (in front of people so they know it was the cat) but it really is pretty rare. Most any cat will go for a chick any chance they get. I have barn cats who would love a chicknugget meal but my adult chickens actually chase my cats!

Is there anyway to put up a camcorder/camera for a couple of days to see if you can find what is taking your chickens? Have you looked around for tracks that don't belong to cats? I sure hope you can figure this out quickly and don't lose anymore chickens. Definitely put out a trap or two and see what, if anything, you catch.

Good luck.
Your never guess what just happened. My dog jumped up on the couch, where she's not aloud on, and was looking out the window going crazy. So out goes momma again. Your never guess what a saw, a squirrel. The first one in over a year. Maybe I'll see a rabbit next. LOL
you are puting you and your family at serious risk but announcing to to world you are killing other peoples loved pets

and cats are a pain in the ass for most predators as they make a fuss over everything and I have personally seen a cat kill a weasel and a young possum

pls just think a little bit before you go blasting off heads
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A secure, covered pen would eliminate your predator problem for most types of wild or domestic animals. Free ranging has its risks.
I consider “pets” an animal I keep on my property, not something I let go to someone else’s property ½ mile down the road. If they want to keep their “pets” they need to keep them where they belong! If it was a dog killing them would that be different?

I watched the youtube thing with the cats. I'm not saying I don't like cats. I'm saying I should be able to let my chickens free range without having to worry about a large cat getting them. If it was a "wild animal" getting them then that's different.

If they are other peoples loved pets then they should be at their own home, not mine.
Gin your just a hop skip and a jump away I'll be over with the 12 gauge ya can't miss with that
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