Cats eating chicken food & going through feed real fast.

For rodents, check for droppings inside the coop. Look under the nest boxes and along the walls. Also try sneaking up to the coop really quiet and you can usually see them as they run away. If its a rat, their poops are pretty noticeable. We had a rat try to make a nest in our coop a few months ago. He was running right in the front door! But I saw movement in the coop and then I saw his poops left behind so it was pretty easy to figure out who was there.
...I saw long skinny poop recently in the coop.

It looks a lot like chicken poop though, just formed differently. Interested to see what I see on my game cam...
Yeah that looks just like chicken poo. Although it will be interesting to see what your game cam picks up! Mine has picked up small mice before, so you should be able to see them on there.
AAAAAAAAAANd of course the cam is out of batteries and I have none on hand. <.< Phooey. Not sure when we are going to town next either. Grrr...
I lost a chicken 7 weeks ago, who disappeared without a trace, but I don't think this and that are related. I am anxious to know what (if anything) has been getting into the coop in case it is a possum or something. Maybe I'll set the live trap in or near the coop. (Though I don't know how to keep the chickens out......)
So as mentioned what exactly are you feeding that is being eaten?

Someone else mentioned them being attracted to corn, if you are feeding a mix of some sort including that maybe change to pellets.

If you are feeding pellets maybe try a crumble so its less like dry cat food consistency?

Try a grandpas style treadle feeder. At the rate you are buying food it should pay for itself fairly quickly.

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