Caught in the act!...and it wasn't one of the cats! (pic)


10 Years
Nov 12, 2009
Central Ohio
Thought others might appreciate a laugh...I did! Noticed potting soil on my porch late last week from empty planter by the front door. Being the wise one I am, I figured those darn cats were using it as a litter box since first the ground was frozen and now it's a swamp so they took the easy way out, but never checked for 'feline tootsie rolls..' Just presumed them to be guilty. Came home from work this week and, voila...the guilty party, caught in the act. Sorry cats!


This is Patty, our lonely Buckeye hen, her sister disappeared last month (posted earlier.."Nuggets missing"). They had free run of the yard since they would get picked on by the rest of the flock. Now she's solo, can hang with the others if she wants, or run loose in the yard and barn (which she still seems to prefer)...and apparently that now includes the front porch for a bath
She did look a bit like a statue, until I got out of the car...then she shot me such a glare...either it was because I'd interrupted her bathing routine or because she was busted...still made me laugh out loud...and call dd to get her camera!
Gotta love life with chickens!

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