cedar mulch outside the run?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 9, 2008
Killingworth, CT
I am in the process of covering my skirt of hardware cloth on the outside of the run (i did not bury it...soil just too rocky), and i came home from the store with bags of cedar mulch, not thinking. Is it safe to use cedar mulch outside of the run? The chicks will not have access to it...

Thanks in advance!
Of course it is. The only *possible* problem with cedar is if they're contained in a small space with heavy cedar fumes. Outdoors, no problemo. Anyhow the volatile oils weather away pretty quick.

Good luck, have fun,

Thank you much! My 14-year-old son was actually the one who noticed that i got cedar. He says "mom, i don't know about this. YOu better check on backyardchickens before you use it, don't you think?" LOL Gotta love that kid.

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