Celebrities you Hate.

I don't believe in hate. I can't think of any celebrity that I would go out of my way to meet/see-- ok, I'd have to take my girls to see the Wiggles, but me personally, nope. Steve Irwin's dead;).

There are however children of celebrities that I pray desparately for:

Spears' children
Michael Jackson's children
Jolie-Pitt children

not a child, but I feel very bad for any animal owned by a Hilton.
The Demoncratic and Repulsican canidates,can you as a lowly citizen ask them a question and get an answer that hasn't had to be approved by their parties 2 weeks in advance ? Nope didn't think so. And due to campaign finance reform it makes it difficult for other partys to run,as Jesse Ventura said about it,we're allowed only to have one more party than communism.

Any actor/actress who complains about their work schedule,the pooparazzi and how difficult privacy is,you wanted it you got it....besides all you have to do is stand in front of a camera til you get it right (never on the first take) and then if everyone behind the camera makes you look good,you NEED to make $10 to $20 million a picture or $1 million a show. Remember in the old west days if the show sucked,you had to dodge bullets from the audience.

So I hate those we are suppose to adore and put on a pedestal according to the TV,I'm going to go outside and watch paint dry,more entertaining and affordable.
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Ya'll may flame me for this, and I wont say I hate him, but if I never heard, saw, or even heard a rumor about ...Kenny Chesney, ever again, it will be too soon. I dont watch a lot of tv, but I USED to listen to country music radio a lot, but it seems that all my local station plays is that bare footed, yuppy, psuedo-country , schlock, that he puts out now-a-days, and I have retreated to my Ipod in protest.
I also resent Al Gore for his eco-nazi hypocrisy.
Brangelina?-Madonna, and all of those that leave American children in need and adopt from overseas and make it the trendy thing to do, instead of leading by example and fighting for changes in the adoption and foster care system in this country.
Any celeb. "parent" that prostitutes their children out to the media in picture or show form.
:mad: Wow! I got on my soapbox, didnt I?
You did good Calamityjen, but dont hold back, let it go lol! I think these celebs that are adopting are thinking these kids are like puppies or something. "Oh isnt he cute, I'll take that one" Sick F***'s...Unbelievable!

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