Celebrities you Hate.

Emma Thompson
Hugh Grant
The girl from pirates of the carriben who always has her mouth open.
Angelina Jolie
Used to love Adam Sandler but his whole act is just getting so old!
Colin Ferguson
Bill O' Riely
Sean Hannity
Ann Coulter
I can't stand the majority of them....but mostly..

Angleina Jolie and Brad Pitt
Kelly Ripa
Miley Cyrus (that is one butt ugly child)
Catherine Zeta Jones (so hard on the eyes)
George Clooney
Renee Zelwegger (looks like she sucked 1 too many lemons)

They're all so self important. Blech.
Enough already with those people! They look and act like saints, but that makes me wonder - what are they really like? And what are they really like with all their children?

Just -
Who knows what they do...the only thing you really see them do with them is carry them around. Ick.

Must be nice to buy children the way they do..I know ppl who have to spend thousands of dollars and wait many many years to adopt chicldren...celebrities seem to get them so much faster than regular folk.

I detest celebs...it's amazing how much they're revered in our society when half the time they have no formal education, they're druggies, or they're only talent in life is pretending to be someone else!


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