Celebrities you Hate.

oh dont get me started
shes a horrible actress
has no fashion sense
her songs are...well i cant say.
she dances way too inapproiate
she looks like a rat
she sings like theres a rock in her throat
she tries too hard to be country [ok who says "sweet nibblets"?]
ohh and soooo much more

the only reason that girl has a record contract is because her dad is famous. Her voice is just HORRIBLE!
oh dont get me started
shes a horrible actress
has no fashion sense
her songs are...well i cant say.
she dances way too inapproiate
she looks like a rat
she sings like theres a rock in her throat
she tries too hard to be country [ok who says "sweet nibblets"?]
ohh and soooo much more

the only reason that girl has a record contract is because her dad is famous. Her voice is just HORRIBLE!

she needs that contract ripped up.
maybe she can break it with her horrible voice
Oh man, I so want to come back as one of Martha Stewart's chickens. Those things live better than most of her staff, I'm sure.

And I love Barack Obama.


I said it.



I don't like any celebrity that thinks that just because they are famous they should get involved with politics. I mean why should we care what they think.

I also don't like celebrities that think it is the "in" thing to adopt children from Africa. I mean its seems that Angeline Jolie and Madonna are "collecting" black kids.

I think a lot of you are being kind of hard on Miley Cyrus. My daughter loves her. She could not have gotten ahead because her father is famous, he was a one hit wonder and a has been. As far as her not being a good actress, well you are basing it on a show written for kids. Not exactly witty scripts. She is good at physical comedy. My wife thinks she has a "Lucille Ball" type quality.
I Love Hilary Clinton! She rocks!, but since(UGH!)Barack is the Democratic canidate, I hope SHE GETS VP!!!

More I hate:::

Jessica Alba(too much exposure)
Paris Hilton(used to think she was ok, not now though)
Akon(kids love him, he sounds like hes singing through his nose(anyone can do this)(Yet he get som much$$$))
Marilyn Manson(his weird ways)

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