Challah 101 Class (PIX)


15 Years
Apr 4, 2008
Tucson AZ
Yesterday my Bat Mitzvah student made her first Challah! I was so impressed with how well this 11 soon to be 12 year old was able to read the directions on braiding the six stranded Challah and do it just perfect her first try! Many adults stuggle with a six stranded braid. I am so very proud of her!

TA DA!!! Here is her first Challah!
I think it is quite wonderful!

Here is the Challah 101 Certificate.

Her Bat Mitzvah is this Saturday. Last night was the last class for her. Here is a photo of her dad, taking a video, and my husband giving her advice on her reading.

(Jeannine and her family always sit way in the back of the room.)
Job well done! A word of caution, be sure that she and her family are OK with you posting the full name of a minor and photographs. Safety first!
I remember watching my grandmother make challah, she was a great cook and baker. Thought it was really neat when she would brush with egg yolk to give it that shine. I wish I had some to eat now - store bought just isn't the same. My mom didn't attempt challah but, she made great kreplach. When she wasn't around I would fish them out of the soup pot. Dinner time she was furious that only a few were left. Come to think of it her brisket was to die for too. But she couldn't stand to have anyone around when she was cooking - it made her nervous. So I never learned how to make anything- except matzo balls from packaged mix.

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