Changes in egg production


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
Aloha, OR
My wife and I are new to the backyard chicken game. We absolutely love it so far. We didn't know how much fun our girls would be. They are better than television.

I have a question regarding egg production. Our 3 older girls started laying about 6 weeks ago. We were consistently getting 2-3 eggs a day from the girls. We recently began to let them out of the run in the last week to finish off what was left of the summer garden. They love it. Since we started this, we have only been getting 1, occasionally 2 eggs a day. Could this be from the change in routine? When they lay, they still return to the nest boxes to lay. I have looked around and am not seeing any eggs in the garden area. They do have light from 5am to 7pm in the coop. We are also seeing a big change in our weather. The rainy season has arrived.

Any suggestions or comments are appreciated.

It is probably that they are slowing down for winter. I've read that first-year chickens don't slow down as much as older hens do. This is my first year with a flock, I'm also in Oregon, and I'm getting a lot fewer eggs the past week or so.
First year pullets do lay through their first year and do slow down a little over the course of the winter. It is also possible that one of them has found what she thinks is a better place to lay outside.
Thanks for the reply's. It must just be a winter slow down. I searched the garden area where they free range and no sign of eggs or any nest areas outside of the coop. I was hoping that by having light for them it would not be such a drastic change.

We also have 3 younger pullets. 2 @25 weeks and 1@28 weeks. I guess we will see when they start to contribute.

Thanks again,


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