Changing of the guard?


Apr 3, 2022
Northeast Florida
I have 5 hens. 2 blue australorps, 2 white leghorns, and one black australorp. All are about 20 months, except for the black, she is about 15 months. They all seem to get along fairly well, with one of the leghorns being the “boss” of the flock. However, in the last couple of days, one of the blacks have started picking on the “boss” . Not drawing blood, but has pulled a few feathers, jumped on her, and chased her. I think the pecking order is being re-established. I don’t mind, because the leghorn seems to delight in chasing around the younger black one. The blue is basically putting the leghorn in her place, as she seems to have taken a liking to the younger one - sort of a big sister or mama thing. Could this be like I am thinking and there’s a new sheriff in town? It seems to me that the Blue is in charge now…..but, at least, the younger one is enjoying a little peace …lol Thanks

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