Changing Throop's Chicken and Duck Laws

I actually am encountering the same issue with Dunmore, PA. The laws don't clearly define chickens as backyard pets versus farm animals. I was told by some in the borough that provided no roosters, and they were kept in a clean enclosed area (I have a totally fenced in chicken tractor that moves around my yard so they don't kill the grass), that they would not be a problem. Now I am meeting resistance and may need to get a petition started to change the laws. How did you make out?
Sorry for the late response. I actually just kept on the zoning officer about it and he reluctantly told me "If it doesn't bother anyone you can you whatever the h*ll you want with ducks, chickens, I don't care, but the first time someone complains I'll be at your door so let's not make this an issue." So I adopted my first chicken after that. She doesn't live outside all the time. I mostly just put her out for some of the day. She is a great pet though. Some of my other neighbors took advantage of what I fought for and now one lady by the park has 2 hens in an outdoor coop and a man closer to Dunmore has a very loud pair of roosters that have not caught negative attention yet.
Good for you Duckncover. Way to hang in there
. Good luck with those birds. By the way, I am from NE pa. also. about 8 miles from Throop.
You should be able to see the law at the very least. You shouldn't have to purchase it. If there is a law that they are trying to enforce, they are obligated to show it to you.
They made me purchase the book for $18 which like you said was probably unnecessary. Now I am allowed to have poultry but my mom will only let me have one hen. :/
One hen is better than none. Maybe mom will warm up to the hen and change her mind about how many you can have. Let your mom feed her some treats and when she goes outside and the hen comes running to meet her it just might do the trick. Good luck!!!!!!!
Haha, we've had Frizzle for over a year now. My mom won't let her live outside because she is embarassed of having a chicken so I really don't think she'd let me have more in the house. I'd like to get a fancy pullet for her so she'd have a friend. I'd like a silkie but they are so hard to sex. The friend that gave me Frizzle would probably hatch a batch of them and raise them all to be friendly so I can pick one of the females once they are old enough. My mom is sort of warming up to the idea but I honestly don't think she'd let me unless she came to terms with letting Frizzle live outside primarily. It would be awesome to have a decent amount of eggs and maybe even a broody hen someday. If I ever have my own place and I'm allowed to have poultry I'm going to have a trio of muscovy ducks since they are so quiet and friendly. They had a big thing in the newspaper the other day about the poultry/duck/goose laws of the city, Scranton, right next to me and how you are and always have been allowed to keep them. So I can't see Throop saying anything after that front page article as long as I'm not bothering anyone.
I went over and they want $18 for the zoning ordinance book. This town is ridiculous and this thread is dead. I guess I'm just talking to myself at this point..
I was wondering if anything came of this? I have recently moved to Throop and would love to get a duck at some point. Are you even still in Throop?

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