Guide Changing Your Username

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BYC Staff
Premium Feather Member
17 Years
Jan 11, 2007
NE Washington State
We get a lot of requests in threads asking how to change your name.

We know it's hard to pick a name when joining a community and often we see members just picking whatever comes to mind in order to get registered. think of a cool name. What to do?

If you are a Premium Feather Member, you can change your name once every 365 days. You can go to your account and look on the left under Settings. The first item is User Name Change. Click that and follow the instructions. Your name will go into a queue where I will approve (or not :p ).

If you are not a Premium Feather Member, you may change your name once. Please send me a conversation with the name you would like. To find out if the name you want is free, go to the Member page HERE , scroll to "find member" on the left and type in the username you wish in the field and hit enter. If nothing appears, it is most likely free and you can use it. Make sure it is the name you want, because, unless you become a Premium Feather Member, you're stuck with it. :lol:

Names need to be less than 15 characters. No punctuation is supported.
Hopefully this will help those of you wanting a name change.
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If you are not a Premium Feather Member, you may change your name once. Please send me a conversation with the name you would like. To find out if the name you want is free, go to the search HERE and type in the username you wish in the "posted by member" field and hit submit. If nothing appears, it is most likely free and you can use it. Simply typing in a username and waiting for it to automatically populate doesn't always work, so going through the full process is the best. Make sure it is the name you want, because, unless you become a Premium Feather Member, you're stuck with it. :lol:

Hopefully this will help those of you wanting a name change.

From the post above. :)
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