Chantecler Thread!

I got a better pic of my cross breed. Mom is a buff chantecler. This is dad.

This is her. I'm trying for the cold hearty traits with the blue color. I think it worked. She appears to have gotten alot of the chantecler. I will have to repeat the breeding to see if it is consistent.
I got a better pic of my cross breed. Mom is a buff chantecler. This is dad.

This is her. I'm trying for the cold hearty traits with the blue color. I think it worked. She appears to have gotten alot of the chantecler. I will have to repeat the breeding to see if it is consistent.
Is it just the lighting, or does she really have a single comb?
from Sue
I got a better pic of my cross breed. Mom is a buff chantecler. This is dad.

This is her. I'm trying for the cold hearty traits with the blue color. I think it worked. She appears to have gotten alot of the chantecler. I will have to repeat the breeding to see if it is consistent.
I love the color of you new bird Insanity! What kind of roo is that? He looks similar to my splash andalusian rooster.
I love the color of you new bird Insanity! What kind of roo is that? He looks similar to my splash andalusian rooster.

He is supposed to be a jap bantam but he is to big. 2lbs or more. Thows blue no matter what color the hen is. I think I'll repeat this breeding soon. I only have one chantecler hen (a rescue).
Today I acquired a partridge Chantecler hen. I am amazed at her docile nature and would be very interested to know if this type of disposition is more noted in one color more than another. Or is this just my lucky day? I were to get more Chanteclers, this temperament would be what I would base my choice on. Thanks for any input.
I have had whites, buffs (just for a few days) and partridge, and found that the buff and partridge hens were both much calmer and friendlier than the whites. That may differ according to the line, though - my whites were not good.

I have found roosters in both the white and the partridge are gentlemen.
Today I acquired a partridge Chantecler hen. I am amazed at her docile nature and would be very interested to know if this type of disposition is more noted in one color more than another. Or is this just my lucky day? I were to get more Chanteclers, this temperament would be what I would base my choice on. Thanks for any input.
I have a single beautiful HUGE white hen that I absolutely love and just bought 4 buffs from a person who bought a lot of Mr. Blehms culls. They all are very docile so far, much more docile than even the Easter Egger chicks that are a week older than them. I posted a photo of them a few pages back. I am surprised for such a large bird they only have been laying medium size eggs. But coming from a breeder who is focusing on the feathering/color/comb I am sure the egg size will not be a factor. I am glad the personality did not seem to suffer, they are all sweet and I believe these four I bought are all pullets so far! :)
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