Chantecler Thread!

pure Canadian strain of the white Chantecler, now at 10 weeks (well on saturday!)
On the far left, what I trhink is a male, on the far right the other male.
Jim, if you come on here, can you verify this?
Chicwannabe, I'm curious because I am having trouble sexing my chanteclers. For those 2 that you think are male... How pronounced is the point on their little spur nub/button? Thanks, Sue
pure Canadian strain of the white Chantecler, now at 10 weeks (well on saturday!)
On the far left, what I trhink is a male, on the far right the other male.
Jim, if you come on here, can you verify this?
I can verify they are 100% pure Canadian Chanticleers. But would need to see them closer up. Can you place them in a individual pen?
I have a 12 week old red chantecler cockerel that started crowing this morning. Isn't he pretty young for that? I was staring right at him so I know it wasn't my imagination.
I have a 12 week old red chantecler cockerel that started crowing this morning. Isn't he pretty young for that? I was staring right at him so I know it wasn't my imagination.

I love it when a juvenile crows. It even scares themselves! We have had them crow at a young age and some not start till fully mature. Some just like hearing themsleves crow.
Up close photos are best. We try to take photos of birds with a child holding them or in a dog crate like this Black Orpington cockerel of ours.


Or our White Chantecler male

Interesting reading. My 2 Partridge Chanteclers are from Ideal. They will be 10 weeks in 2 days.
They clearly have the cushion comb and based on coloring are girls

But I have a question: One has an "up" tail, the other a "down" tail. I'm not breeding so it doesn't matter either way but is one a correct form and the other incorrect? Just trying to figure out how "type proper" they are so others MIGHT know what to expect from Ideal 's PCs. Reading various threads it seems that some hatcheries do "better" type-wise with some breeds than others and potentially "better" with a breed than a different hatchery. I have no idea how many PCs they hatch on a given day but I suspect it is highly likely that any 2 birds you get from a hatchery are not related, unlikely the same mom and depending on how many roosters they have, not the same dad either. Thus, YMMV (or is that Your Chicken May Vary?)

I need help. I am going to be breeding the Partridge Chantecler, and I can't decide which rooster to keep out of the thirteen I have. They are 4.5 months old, and the one that I think is the best has a cushion comb and some wattles. At this age should he have wattles? I love his body type. It is much better than the others. I am just not sure about the wattles and comb.

I have attached some pictures of him, and some of another rooster with smaller wattles, and a hen. Opinions please.

This is the guy I want to keep. He is very meaty and heavier than the others.

This guy is beautiful but you can totally feel is breast bone. He is not very meaty.

One of the girls. I will be keeping five out of the bunch.
Years ago, as a novice Orpington breeder, I would take all my birds to a show and allow the judge to decide. they will usually place to 5th or 6th place. Since not as many will have your variety/breed yours may be the only ones there. If any males place, keep them. the ones that do not place, cull to the freezer. If you enter them in a State Fair you will also win $$$$ in premiums for entering them.

You may also be able to find a poultry judge near you and for a small fee/expenses may visit your farm and help you cull.

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