Chaos in the coop

Gary palmer

Jul 13, 2017
Something very strange happened today in the coop. My birds are free range. They lay 8 to 10 eggs a day. Tonight when I got home, there were only three eggs and two eggs that were broken/ate. Also somehow a pile of oyster shell was taken from the feeder on one side of the coop and piled up in one nesting box. Any theories?
They were broken but not crushed. Each of them were broke in two. How would I get rid of the rats? Without messing with the chickens?
I have to say, this is very upsetting. I invested a lot into this flock. Time, money, agravation. Those are my eggs. After you add up everything, these eggs are like 80$ per egg. I'm going to have to get medieval on these rats.

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