Charging and headbutting cock


Aug 8, 2015
North Carolina
This is a newer behavior. I had never seen it before from Oreo. He always would just shake his leg and kind of charge sideways toward the girls to get them to move. He was injured and inside for almost a week. I brought him out once he was healed. That night I had a predator attack that killed one of my young pullets who was close to POL (mink or weasel). Thankfully all my others were fine, though it sucks to lose ANY of them. I repaired the coop bottom wire so it's a lot more secure now. Since he has been in with the girls again all of a sudden started charging at them with his head down and if they don't move fast enough he will head butt them in their rear, side, or wherever he happens to hit. Has anyone else had a cock who has done this before? If so, any idea why? I do have a video, but it takes forever to upload them for some reason.
Oddly enough, he fell right back into his place (thankful for that though). The girls were so lost without him, and so happy to see him when he returned that they all flocked around him. They spent the week he was inside lost and trying to flock around me. They have all grown up with him except my newest who were just integrated into the flock several weeks before the incident.

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