Charlie's Thread

I have to say it is amazing to see the difference from the beginning of this thread to now! Great job @HuffleClaw a lot of people would have thrown in the towel and you have doubled down and are doing a great job! ❤️ Congratulations on a job well done!
Thank you so much! :hugs He has a special place in my heart.
Yesterday Charlie and I went to my sister’s house. It was his first time ever, so I was sure he would be very nervous. He handled it like a champ! He loved every second of it, especially getting to see his best dog friend Ariel (my sister’s dog). They chased each other and ran and played all day. They did get muddy so they both had baths after coming inside. Awesome day for both pups :love


Charlie watching Scoobie Doo and just chilling out

My sister bought Ariel a sweater but it was WAY too small for her. So she donated it to Charlie… it’s too cute

My baby was so tired on the way home he propped himself up on the seat :love
So some old lady my neighbor’s and I know stopped by today and Charlie was outside. He was getting overstimulated in a nervous sense so I put him in his crate in the garage until she left. After I let him out he had some SERIOUS zoomies so I tried to let him calm down by playing frisbee… about the same time I was going to throw it, he was “zooming” in circles, and jumped up and grabbed my shirt sleeve. I was wearing an oversized T-shirt so it was an easy target. Slightly frustrating considering I really like the shirt. But I didn’t get mad at him and honestly laughed it off. He calmed down a bit later. So reminder not to wear loose clothes while playing frisbee?? Lol my poor sleeve!
Went to Walmart today and workers were stocking in the dog section… They get paid for it to look like this? :hmm

Anyway, I got some new treats for Charlie.

And restocked the treat container (it is airtight sealed btw)


The rest go back under the bed in the basket

Worked on place training and he does not currently have a dog bed… this is a pillow I found on clearance. He will definitely get a real dog bed, but not until we work on his behavior with it. He has a bad shredding habit with dog beds, thinking they are toys. But it’s ok, he’s still learning!

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