Charlotte County Florida ordinances

Check with local zoning laws. Believe it would have to be AG, unless you are talking pot belly pigs and they can (maybe) fall under pet, but with county and their bi-laws, I wouldn't say for sure. Contact the local Charlotte County Planning and Zoning team for guidance on that one. They would be able to tell you which properties/districts are zoned for pigs.

Charlotte County Code Compliance : 941.743.120
Charlotte County Planning and Zoning: 941.743.1964
Jei Shoa is a good Planning and Zoning contact: 941.743.1272

Suggestion = look in DeSoto County - more agricultural and less restrictions.

Let us know what happens and/or what you find out.
DFScott - did see a sign in my neighborhood for waterfront property along Shell Creek. Take Rt 17 (Duncan Road) north toward Arcadia, and turn right onto Washington Loop (green Royal Thai Restaurant on the corner) for about 6 miles. There you'll see a sign on your left on gravel road, says waterfront property. If you pass Prairie Creek Park entrance you have gone too far. They keep all sorts of livestock down that road including miniature cows, I believe that area is zoned agricultural. Check it out - that is in Charlotte County. Hope that helps.
Has any progress been made on allowing chickens in Punta Gorda, Cape Coral Ect?

I have family there and am looking at moving but they seem to hate chickens
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Hi all, just curious if there is any new news on keeping chickens in charlotte county? Little confused about the past few years as i have read all 15 pages of posts. Please i live near peachland and harbor area any info is greatly appreciated.
Still no chicken keeping in Charlotte County (officially). People keep chickens all over the county, in all zones, with no issues. However, if anyone complains about your chickens and calls the county, and you are sited, then you can not have chickens in Charlotte County. The only zoning that I am aware of in Charlotte County that specifically allows chickens is Residential Estates 1- 5 (acres). Chicken folks are all round just not making a lot of noise. Some of us rallied and went to board meetings, including myself. I am dealing with personal issues and I haven't taken up the cause again. Contact your County Commissioner and ask that chickens be allowed in the county. Specific zoning info, contact the county zoning commission for complete details. Wish I had more to say. So many are being told to remove their chickens by a sad and ignorant populous.
Hello! Just wondering if there has been any new information? Lee county is on the right track so now might be a great time to really make some noise in charlotte county regarding chickens. I, myself, have no idea where to start, but I am willing to help in any way
Can't believe my last post was in May 2015 regarding this issue. Time is flying. I heard that Bonita Springs (I think it was Bonita) now permits chickens. North and South of Charlotte County is progressive (Sarasota and/or Sarasota County allows chickens) - what it wrong with us!

Start with writing county commissioners, asking them to zone for chickens. That happened in late 2014 but for only a small area of the county zoned RE (residential estates 1-5 acres) or AG (agriculture). We were told small steps but I know I have not rallied back since. Had reporters at the county meetings, along with chicken enthusiast, and discussed strategies. At that time, again they were saying small steps. Don't push for the entire county. Zones at a time.

In this stream there is info about suggestions to get started, one was to get petitions and signatures to get the issue on a ballot for a vote. I know I have not pursued that angle. More appearances at the public invited County Board Meetings when the TV crews and local news reporters are there makes a difference Exposure. I do write letters to the editor of the local newspapers, and got some notice regarding chicken permits but that lost steam.

I have had health issues and had not campaigned for some time. Last time I went to a county board meeting to promote chickens (fall 2014), it was myself and Margy1 at the meeting.

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