Charlotte the Ameracauna's Journal

Uploading 88 photos to Photobucket.... this is gonna take a while. But! when they are finished, I will post pictures of Charlotte and the flock.
OK! Got 'em. Here's the flock:

Our heroine, Charlotte:

Her "sister" Georgiana:

Duchess, posing for me on a pool ladder:

Charlotte's other "sister" Lydia:

Napoleon, the head roo:

Lydia on the left and Charlotte on the right:

In the background is Duck, with Lizzy beside her and Lydia behind:

And last but not least, Sebastian the cowardly roo:

There are more photos but I don't have any more time right now. Maybe later tonight I'll post a diary entry - the flock had fun today!
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Juliette Mile Fleur D'Uccle - March 25th, 2011
I am so distraught that I find myself writing in the dirt for no reason. How awful it has been! Today dawned cold and cloudy, but none of us expected anything bad. We were let out and for a few hours we scratched and ate, played and slept. Then they came. At about noon - though I couldn't tell because of the clouds that covered the sun - three monstrous beasts - not as big as the Humans or their large white pet, Sammie the Dog, they call him - came and terrified us. One chased me onto the wooden deck, tearing feathers out of my back and scratching my skin. I flew up, landing in the grass. These beasts looked somewhat like the Dog, just smaller and instead of white and curly-coated they were black and brown and had smooth coats. One of the Humans picked me up, for I was in shock and unable to stand. They placed me in a small box, and then I got away from them inside my home coop. However, a Human chased me and caught me, and put me in a large pen with some water and food, but I ignore those, now. I only want to go back to my flock but oh! how the skin on my back hurts.

Marie Mile Fleur D'Uccle - March 25th, 2011
I cannot scratch in the dirt in this box, so I will simply have to think. I am cramped, and it is dark, and underneath my wing is a cut that hurts horribly. When they came - oh, how I fear those awful beasts! - they tore at us, chasing us. I don't know if anyone else lived through it. After It, whatever It was, attacked me, I was left in the grass among piles of my own feathers. I bled in a single small puncture wound. I wanted to die. I was picked up and put in this box... Now I doze, on and off. Ah, thinking makes me tired, makes my head hurt. I must sleep now.

Georgiana, Plymouth Barred Rock - March 25th, 2011
Why has this happened? I was so frightened. Dogs, at least that's what I think they are called, came and chased us. Three of them there were, two black and one brown, smaller than the white one that lives here and does not chase us. I was not hurt, and now I preen and nap with all the flock that has come back from hiding, scratching this message in the dirt. I miss my sisters, Lydia and Charlotte. They, and the oldest hen Lizzy, have not come back yet. I worry for them. I wonder if Charlotte ever wrote in the dirt like this. As far as I can tell, at least two of the D'Uccle hens are missing, and several of the young descendants of Napoleon. He - as rumors have claimed - is no longer the Head Rooster, but rather I believe Patches, the younger rooster with mixed-blood, is.
How I long for peace among our flock!

UPDATE: The Ameracaunas - Lizzy, Charlotte, and Lydia - are back! Thank God!
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