Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

@ladycat I got my Serama eggs today! I haven't had a chance to candle them but I will tomorrow. Your packing was great! Not one crack! They are so tiny I had to turn one of my egg flats upside down to place them so that their air cells would be on top. I thought Silkie eggs were small. LOL! I can't wait to see the tiny chicks that come out of these tiny eggs.

Thank you!!!
I just want to give a shout out to Houdit and his Penedesenca eggs

I brought 1 dozen on the auction page and eggs (plus extras) arrived safe and sound. Great packing!

And eggs are dark!!! Really nice color I'm very impressed!


Quote: Dude, my dad would wait for my mom to go to work and us kids to school and he would go across the street and buy some of Mr. Paul's rabbits. By dinner time we were having fried chicken. And my dads fried chicken was so much better than my moms that we quit eating moms. It was by far the best fried chicken I had ever ate!

Wait for her to go spend the day with some friends or something. And make her some fried chicken. She'll never know.
Both levels popping like popcorn. This will be my biggest Serama hatch EVER.

Here's how I did it:

I put a piece of rubber shelf liner across the bottom, the kind with holes. That keeps the chicks from falling in the wells. I put one layer of eggs on that.

Then I turned the regular Brinsea tray upside down and put the second layer of eggs across that.

I can see the chicks in the bottom layer, but I can't get my camera to capture the view through the little holes in the tray. But you can see the top layer in this pic.

Both levels popping like popcorn. This will be my biggest Serama hatch EVER.

Here's how I did it:

I put a piece of rubber shelf liner across the bottom, the kind with holes. That keeps the chicks from falling in the wells. I put one layer of eggs on that.

Then I turned the regular Brinsea tray upside down and put the second layer of eggs across that.

I can see the chicks in the bottom layer, but I can't get my camera to capture the view through the little holes in the tray. But you can see the top layer in this pic.
Sooooo I didn't know you were a GENIUS!

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