Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

LOL and I don't want to hatch anymore seramas this much so, that when one of my little hens decided to stubbornly go broody I gave her some large fowl eggs. She is determinedly covering 3 olive eggs. I swore I was going to turn my bator off too.....but just one more hatch .....yea just this one more batch of olive eggers.
My bator has been running solid since March. I am OVER it. LOL But since I placed my rooster I wanted to grab some olive eggs while they were still fertile--so that's my excuse and I am sticking with it. Meanwhile, the serama pens are all in disarray as I move everyone around in preparation for winter. They didn't get the "stop laying eggs" memo so there they are just laying eggs. HAHA. Except for this little doll. She apparently wants babies so badly that I caved in and gave her 3 eggs. I sure hope they hatch for her! 20170904_091943.jpg
Iso black or blue mottled and calico cochin bantam eggs. Waiting for auctions. No need for sq. Thanks!

@WVduckchick do you still have mottled??

I am looking for some svart hona eggs.

Most of the ones I knew that had SH's sold out... I have a single pullet from minihorse, she's gonna go into mixed flock unless you might need her...
Iso black or blue mottled and calico cochin bantam eggs. Waiting for auctions. No need for sq. Thanks!

I have a blue mottled rooster over blue and black hens, and one blue frizzle hen. I think the frizzle is the only one laying right now, as the others are raising babies. I have a couple lovely pullets that he has started mating, so i think they will lay soon. Wish i could help ya out!

@Laurel Meadows how's your mottled pen doing?

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