cheap/easy plexiglass window?


11 Years
Jun 27, 2008

This is my favorite thing about my coop - its a thin piece of plexiglass, very easy to look through, lets light in and in the mornings the chickens are all looking out that window. I have it rigged up with a temporary arrangement but I want to screw some sort of trim (or something) around it to attach it securely and keep rain out. Is there any sort of thing I can buy at a hardware store that has a lip or channel (I've looked at moldings, weatherstripping supplies, hardware things) but haven't found anything so far. I'm not sure what exactly to look for. I don't have the type of saw that could cut a lip into a piece of wood - I wish I could!
If you have a drill, you can place holes around the edges and insert screws and rubber washers to hold them. Easy fix. We have 2 barn windows done that way, supposedly 'temporary', but which have been dry for 21 years. We put a dab of silicon around the edges.
go to the lumber yard and ask them for chair rail. Some chair rails come with a 1/4" rabbit milled into it already to fit over the top edge of 1/4" wainscotting on walls. All you would need to do then is cut your 45 degree miters on each end, nail into place, caulk around the trim and the siding with paintable caulk, and then paint the trim since it is not treated.

Good luck!
We also have a plexy glass window on our coop......we put wire fencing (the one with the small holes) over the window also..we hang it by nails I can put a stick in the window to keep it open if it rains...and i take the plexy glass off in the summer when the nights are hot so the girls dont cook......during the winter my hubby screws the window permantly down.....I have never had problems when it rains....I dont have a roost by the window..I'm afraid of a cold draft on the girls in the winter.....but I figure if you have a long piece of sheet metal or something similar you can bend it and screw it above the window,,,so it diverts the rain.... but I would like to see my girls through the window....hope that helps....
You can usually set the depth on a regular old circular saw to cut a channel if you are patient enough to try. I've done it with regular old scrap 1x2 with a good amount of success. I tack my 1x down to something to keep it steady (usually a old garden timber that is sitting out there), and go slow and steady.
I have a similar set-up I'm about to put into place, only I have to cut the hole in the coop still. I had an old picture frame I got from a garage sale, and I've gotten a piece of plexi-glass cut to fit in the channel in the frame. I'll silicone it into place and then seal it once mounted on the coop.

Pretty girls in a picture!

I'll post shots when I'm done.

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