Cheapest Incubator?


12 Years
Sep 14, 2007
Modesto Ca

I am in need of some help

I know a man who lives a few blocks away and breeds SQ seramas (thats what he says). He is willing to give me as many eggs as I want, whenever I want for free. Now
Our budget is SUPER tight. I mean my parents look for the cheapest things
I am, in no way, good at building things. So building an incubator is out

Is there anywhere, or anysite that has SUPER cheap incubators. I really need one for only a couple of eggs(like 3). However, if it comes with a turner that is ok too!
Now like I said, budget. I cant go over $20-25
SO can anyone help?

mmm...I don't know. The cheapest I would say is a homemade bator.
I'm OK at putting stuff together if I have the right materials, but wiring things is where I am terrible at!
I couldn't wire a thermostat in an incubator if my life depended on it!

And here's my opinion; if it has steady temps. at 99-101*F and humidity is right and steady, and if it is safe, then an egg can be incubated in it. I've heard of people incubating eggs in a bra, skillet, etc...No idea how, but I guess it can work. That's also a cheap option.

Good luck! Try looking in online ads, such as eBay, Uncle Henry's, Craigslist, etc.
Check on C.L. If there isn't one for sale, place an ad on there stating what you are wanting. We just got a hovabator for $25 by some guy answering an ad I placed wanting an incubator.
I actaully tried CL many times for chicken stuff. I never seem to get any replies...
Any SUPER SUPER easy plans with LITTLE wiring
Maybe you could borrow one? I'm sure someone would let you use theirs in exchange for a chick. Or maybe your school has an FFA chapter? Those kids tend to be pretty handy. They might be able to whip you up one, and then you could donate it to a science classroom when you're done!

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