Check out our new coop!

What a lovely job, you did great! One question, when you say you have a saw mill, is it one of the portable things to cut wood? Are they expensive? We live on wooded acerage and just let the trees fall. If it isn't too expensive, maybe we could use one too?
That is a seriously sweep coop. I love the natural wood look. Awesome job. Hug and Kiss your DH. He is the man!

Can I stay there too?!!?!?

Great coop! Your DH did a great job! It looks really sturdy too. I love Asheville - my father's family is from Canton. I spent many summers up in the Pisgah Forest growing up. Lovely and cool up there...."altitude affects attitude."
Wow, that's all I can say..Wow!! Love it, absolutely beautiful job and dontcha' just love those Comets!! They're so beautiful and friendly! BTW-
from NY!!
Hi ANNEK...The sawmill is pretty large and is all hydraulic.They're pretty expensive.You can get basic manual mills for maybe 5-7 thousand.You can certainly do it;) Another option is to hire a miller to come in and saw your logs.They charge differently in different parts of the country,but it would range from $150 to $300 a thousand board foot.(Thats alot of lumber)
So for a couple thosand dollars,you would have a mile of lumber,you don't have a machine to maintain,no blades to buy,not to mention all the sawing you have to do.Wish you all the best...jeff:)
I love it!

I've been working on a design very similar to yours, just bigger. It's like my GGM's coop (fond memories from my childhood).

Now if we just had our own mill...


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