Check out our new coop!


That is a great looking functional coop and you have our NESTING BOXES !!

Those boxes are getting hard to find, take care of them. We have put feed bags on the top held on with plastic sprind clips.

The girls use the boxes to set their eggs, something I wish they would not do. We move them out as soon as I hear a peep.

Looks like your choocks have it made in the shade.
Hi RandytheEggMan...At first,the chickens would lat their eggs on the FLOOR or a haybail I had in the corner! (the haybail was by far their favorite.) I would tell the birds how nice the boxes were and how lucky they were to have them. Then several hens started using a couple of the same boxes like yours! It was a bit dicouraging.....So....... I ended up lowering the boxes only 4 inches and removed the haybail. I'll have you know,Overnite ALL the boxes were in service! It's amazing how chickens will respond to seemingly insignificant changes...The bottom of the box was 16" from the floor and now it is 12". There was a few times when I "stuffed" the hens in a box then I would pet them and told 'em how pretty they looked in that particular box.!
Hi CANNY.... The fencing is 6'. The hight of the actual fence is 5'9" with 3 inches or so beneath ground level to dicourage the pesky predators...When I let the girls in their run for the first couple times,A few hens did fly and land on the fence. So I clipped all of their right wings one at a time then would let them out one at a time so I wouldn't loose track!:rolleyes:This was quite sometime ago. I didn't trim much at all! So I believe they lost interest in flying to the top of the fencing.
Their chicken door operates from a pully just outside my door so they are secure from predators at night.

Canny, I don't have any roosters in our flock.The eggs are large a delicious!
They each lay EVERY day without fail... Hope this helps...goodluck jeff

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