Check out these chicken tiles

Chickabee19 -

You'll have to post the exact link to the posting - Putting the resonse address doesn't help us. Which city's craigslist are you looking at? Since you don't put your location in your profile, I don't even know which craigslist to go to.

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I think they are seconds and not worth that much.

Craigslist is always choked with seconds whenever Pratt & Larson has a sale.
Those are so cute but not $75 cute.
Oooh, very cute! I've been looking for a sign, or tile, or something for the side of my coop. Don't know that I want to spend that much on it though.

What's Pratt and Larson?
Pratt & Larson is a hand-made tile manufacturer in Portland Oregon.

They have some gorgeous tile, but we can't afford the regular ones. We bought a very small batch of seconds last year.

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