Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Hi! I got your message! We are doing good here in Oregon. Got 7 new chicks to add to my one adult that was left. Enjoying spring. they are just getting the first opportunities to get outside of the coop. Still have yet to integrate the new ladies with my one lady Miss Chiefvious.
We have named all.
We have the golden girls Dorothy Blanch and Ruth, Salt and Peppa
and Maddy and Addy! They are growing so fast! Any integration thoughts and ideas would be appreciated. they are still not the same size as MissChiefious is so I have only had her in the area once and she jumped at one of the. We decided not the time yet!
Welcome back to BackYard Chickens and thank you for the update! Your birds are beautiful! :love
On integration, I have found sneaking them in at night works the best. (You'll still need to allow two weeks for the pecking order to be figured out by everyone.) How old are they? I recommend adding in new chicks when they're 3-4 months old.
Welcome back to BackYard Chickens and thank you for the update! Your birds are beautiful! :love
On integration, I have found sneaking them in at night works the best. (You'll still need to allow two weeks for the pecking order to be figured out by everyone.) How old are they? I recommend adding in new chicks when they're 3-4 months old.
Hi Lacy
They are about 2 months old. They are living in a coop right next to MissChiefvious so they have seen each other and interacted. Thanks I love my ladies!
Hi! I got your message! We are doing good here in Oregon. Got 7 new chicks to add to my one adult that was left. Enjoying spring. they are just getting the first opportunities to get outside of the coop. Still have yet to integrate the new ladies with my one lady Miss Chiefvious.
We have named all.
We have the golden girls Dorothy Blanch and Ruth, Salt and Peppa
and Maddy and Addy! They are growing so fast! Any integration thoughts and ideas would be appreciated. they are still not the same size as MissChiefious is so I have only had her in the area once and she jumped at one of the. We decided not the time yet!
Greetings from Washington! Glad to hear you're doing well. Your chicks are so cute! The very best integration method is see-no-touch, where they can all see each other across a fence but not interact. This way they can all get used to each other but not get hurt. You can keep this up for a week or two, and then, like Lacy said, sneak them in at night.

Best of luck in your latest chicken keeping adventure!
A lot happened a few years ago - got rid of chicks and ducks (!), divorced, sold the 3 acres and live a much happier life in town. I do miss my fresh eggs though!
So sorry for the rough time you've had. :hugs Do you know of any local farms near you? You might be able to still get fresh eggs from them (plus support your local farm).
Hi Lacy
They are about 2 months old. They are living in a coop right next to MissChiefvious so they have seen each other and interacted. Thanks I love my ladies!
I would wait another month before adding them in. How it's just her, the pecking order might settle quickly. Just a slight warning, depending on what breed she is, she, herself, might be scared of them at first like my hen Shiloh was when she got introduced to my chicks with nobody but my hen, Beth, to protect from all the little 'intruders.' 😅
Hello! It’s been a busy year or two. We’ve had hawk and fox attacks and lost several of our girls. A year ago we added nine more chicks and added a huge outdoor run attached to the run that has a roof. Both run are enclosed with hardware cloth. We haven’t had any problems since. The girls are happy and I’m not a worried mother hen anymore.
Welcome back & thanks for the update. So sorry to hear about your losses & problems with the hawk & fox attacks, I feel your pain as I have the same problem here. :D Congrats on getting more chicks and getting a predator-proof setup. That must be such a relief. Got any pictures of them?
hoping all is well, no more dog attacks, and if you've moved to town, the rest of your flock were well-homed. I wouldn't get more chickens if the plan may be to move, and we have 9 hens and a roo, but down a roo and a hen. We won't replace ours. If you are getting plenty of eggs from the four (if you have the hens) then I'd leave it at that. We hope to water bath eggs in big jars should we lose our chickens.
What do you mean by water bath? Did you mean to say water glass, like with lime? That's what I do to preserve my eggs, and it works really well. There are some good threads about it here.

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