Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

Thanks for the prompt to keep in touch. I'm based on a little island in New Zealand and am currently upgrading my Coup to what someone called the Chicken Hilton :thumbsup. We are midway though the project and I will send another picture when finished.

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Looks almost like something my hubby built on an old trailer frame. It works great but we had to fence off the underside. Too many of the flock didn't want to go in at night. Getting them out from under so they wouldn't become racoon dinner was a real back breaker. Not to mention they liked to lay their eggs under there. Looking great!
Hello everyone! I unfortunately had to rehome all my birds. My living situation changed and my family is now living in an RV in an RV Park. Which makes it nearly impossible to take care of 6 birds. I can only hope that the new owner of the chickens will treat them like the wonderful creatures they are. I miss them daily (my family raised them from baby chicks). Hope to start a coop again one day when we have our own property. 🥰
Oh man I am so sorry! I hope you get more soon!!
You’re right we all do get busy with our birds. But I had a lovely conversation with a woman at our local Tractor Supply. She had just gotten into chickens and asked me a question and before I knew it, we’d been standing there almost an hour. I just love answering questions and helping people out when they’re starting on this fluffy feathery journey.
Happy to have you back! Lots of chatting to be done here too!
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Attempted my first hatching a couple months ago from purchased fertilized eggs. Unfortunately it seems like the post office made sure they were shaken not stirred because not a single successful hatch & the 4-6 I cracked to see where it went wrong all looked like this. Meat birds are growing at a great pace & other life goals of both mine & my kids have eaten up a lot of my spare time so I have been more MIA on social media
Oh man that stinks I'm sorry to hear that! I wish you better luck next time!!❤
Hello! Been busy as well. Lost one beautiful girl to water belly lost fall. Got a puppy over the holidays (border collie number 3). Kiddo is in his first year of 4h so we added a few exhibition RIRs to our flock back in February. Enjoying having the youngsters around. We started with 7 and are down to 5 😔. Looks like we have 2 cockrels and 3 pullets. They are all very sweet. Pic is the most recent I've taken of some of the gals enjoying a freshly tilled garden.View attachment 3812038
Welcome back! Sorry for your loss! You have a good looking flock!
Thanks for the check in! Still have my little flock (5 ladies and 1 "I'm ALL THAT" bantam roo)
Although I've shuffled a few girls in the last year (1 rehomed, 2 bought, 3 died, 1 gifted)
Next project is to give a few eggs to a lady at my church who incubates eggs and sells the chicks. I want to see if my "little man" has actually been successful at any of his antics ;):cool:
Absolutely love my Bantam roosters and that attitude. Let us know if you end up being a grandparent to some adorable bantams. Love to see them.
Wowzers, it has definitely been a while! I’m still keeping chickens, currently have EEs maturing and starting to lay eggs and figuring out that I have 4 roos with so not enough hens right now! I have 15 rtl pullets coming June 5th, so waiting to see how that goes once quarantine and integration happens. I know I’ll need to deal with at least two of my roos, I’m just figuring out which!
I also have two Embden/ Toulouse geese that I absolutely adore for their obnoxious honking and protective personality.
I'm always willing to encourage someone to get more chickens. What's a few more? :) I started with geese a few years ago and they quickly became my favorite critters. Aren't they funny birds? Loud, but so interactive.

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