Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

I am also doing well. Busy with my crazy flock of attitude but adjusting. We have had a weird, busy winter, adding 2 silkie roosters to our flock of 15 hens along with another rooster so obviously looking to rehome at least 1 of the silkies. So far everyone is getting along just fine together.
Glad you are doing well! Thanks for stopping by!
Hello! I haven't been active in a long time, due to school. All my ducklings have hatched safely, and they are quiet big now! Thank you for all the support and help this website and all its amazing members gave me! <3
Hello all,
For the most part, things are running smoothly around our house. We adopted 9 hens last year that were in need of rehoming! They blessed us with 31 new chicks very shortly after arriving. We chose to rehome most of the chicks except for 6 young hens. Those young hens are starting to lay now. We have been blessed with a few dozen of the cutest little 'fairy eggs' recently. Everything from pigeon size(no yoke), to completely round, to long & skinny, to perfect shaped 1.5 in long eggs. Hey, gotta give the young ladies credit! They are trying hard. A few more weeks of practice and their eggs will be on the market.
We have kept a small flock of adorable little silkies for breeding, for some time now! Recently we acquired additional hatchery silkies and expanded our breeding. We have a silkie roo and 2 bantam frizzle roos for breeding. Everyone has their own coops and hens to keep all happy. It has been a very rewarding and interesting experience with the frizzle breeding. Because frizzle is a recessive gene, you never know what the babies will be, except 1/2 silkie, for sure. We get frizzles(flipped feathers), sizzles(flipped silkie hair-like feathers), silkies(flat hair-like feathers) and satins(flat feathers). All with 5 toes!
They are just adorable, fuzzy,little, friendly chicks!

Perfect pets!View attachment 3813794!!View attachment 3813777View attachment 3813782View attachment 3813783View attachment 3813776
Cute pics! Thanks for stopping by Glad you are doing well
Thank you for checking on me. My 7 girls are doing great and enjoying spring. They had their first birthday Mid-march. I wasn't able to get any of the breeds I really wanted but I'm very grateful for my 2 black australorp, 2 wyandotte, 1 orpington & 2 easter eggers. I put my cat leash on my orpington (Miss Sandi Patty) and she enjoyed a walk. They have a large coop with lots of space but I let them free-range sometimes too (with great caution). I also have 3 quail and I raise black soldier fly larvae for the hens which I strangely enjoy. My fowl fascination has only made me weirder for the better!
Cute pic! Thanks for stopping by! Glad you are doing well
It is good to see you!

It can take some time between hearing them and them hatching. The best thing to do is be patient and singing to them does help!

Post some pictures when they hatch!
I'm really hoping they will hatch out.
I wasn't going to incubate then but my son wants some goslings to take care of so I picked 13 eggs I stole from them while it was still freezing out at night. I think only 3 out of 13 made it to lockdown ( I also added another half dozen a week after 😂😂) I had two geese with nest going on then so I stole some and hoping they will be sitting on newer eggs while I gave the older ones a try

How long will you wait before intervene ? Like adding a safety hole ? I don't want them to die since they made it this far

Cant wait for the babies I love goslings they are just sooo cute
Busy here as well. I have about 40 week old easter eggers I incubated to replace what the neighbors dog took out. . Garden is taking shape and hopefully will finish planting next week.
Sorry about the losses from the dog but congrats on the new chicks and the garden. I love Easter Eggers!!! What are you planting in the garden???
All is good here at the Anderson coop! We've added some barnyard mix to the group that I hatched in the incubator, ameraucan chicks, batams, and 4 turkey poults. I currently have some more barnyard mix eggs and 2 silkie eggs going in the incubator.
Thanks for checking in!
Congrats on the new birds!!!!
Sad. I'm sorry not to add anything upbeat at the moment. We had a loss this month. On the 14th, our 8-year-old Granita passed away after about a month of intensive TLC. A devastating loss for the entire flock, who've never known a time without her. I don't know if there's help for a bereaved chicken, but her sister Bling has been most depressed and I wish I could make her feel better.
I’m so sorry
Hi, I’ve got just 6 girls in my coop and I thought I’d share a pic of their beautiful eggs! Warm weather coming up and I have a couple of dirty hens with poopy butts so it’s going to be a chicken bath/health check/spa week coming up soon… 😩 wish me luck!
Good luck!!!!! And what beautiful eggs!!!!

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