Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

We have such a vibrant community here at BYC... tons of active friendly members. Of course, life gets busy, so I was thinking it would be fun to start a thread welcoming some of our peeps we haven't heard from in a while.

If that's you, come say hello and let us know what you've been up to. :)

(if that's not you, feel free to invite peeps you haven't seen in a while and say hi to those that post here)
hello nifty chicken, im not new to byc im just not so good at navigating the app. im here today to possibly find out what to do. my 2 yr old rhode isl red seems to have a hurt right leg. i brought her into the house to check her more closely and i cant find anything i would deem wrong. im going to wash off her bum cuz i like my chicks to have fluffy bums and hopefully the water on her foot will help a bit i have a chicken dr but i dont think he would be able to “see” anything. ive touched all around the leg and body and nothing. guess ill just keep an eye on her. i know there is something cuz she didnt run from me and was just so easy to catch. advise??? thank you so much for the msg.
hello nifty chicken, im not new to byc im just not so good at navigating the app. im here today to possibly find out what to do. my 2 yr old rhode isl red seems to have a hurt right leg. i brought her into the house to check her more closely and i cant find anything i would deem wrong. im going to wash off her bum cuz i like my chicks to have fluffy bums and hopefully the water on her foot will help a bit i have a chicken dr but i dont think he would be able to “see” anything. ive touched all around the leg and body and nothing. guess ill just keep an eye on her. i know there is something cuz she didnt run from me and was just so easy to catch. advise??? thank you so much for the msg.
It is good to see you!

Did you check her feet?
It is good to see you!

Did you check her feet?
yes nothing seems amiss. ive got her in my bathroom. she just ruffeled all her feathers and when she did this the right leg went backwarrds. she is mostly walking like she has a hurt foot and hobbles when walking. the floor is slippery so footing is an issue with that leg. when just standing its always on one leg
We’re still here in East TN raising layers in our backyard in the middle of town! We’ve rotated out several roosters but think we’ve finally landed a good one. Our flock is currently 31 layers, 1 rooster, and 8 chicks. In the last few years we’ve hatched 2 groups from 2 new mamas. They did well although we endured a staggered hatch. Were currently fighting a presumed respiratory virus which is what brought my back to my page!
Really pretty flock! Good luck with the respiratory problems.
yes nothing seems amiss. ive got her in my bathroom. she just ruffeled all her feathers and when she did this the right leg went backwarrds. she is mostly walking like she has a hurt foot and hobbles when walking. the floor is slippery so footing is an issue with that leg. when just standing its always on one leg
That might be statue standing, which does indicate pain. Worms, egg bound and etc.

Please post the problem in this forum:

I hope she gets better!
sorry its been a while life has been crazy over here but everyone is doing great one of my chickens just got a blocked gland worked on but other than that everything is the same
Welcome back! It's good to see you again! I'm glad to hear your flock is doing well. I hope your bird with the blocked gland gets better soon.
Hello Fellow Fluffy Butt Enthusiasts,

I read the BYC threads often, but don't post much. Since the last time I posted, we've rehomed our surprise rooster, lost one poor sweet girl (Daisy) to egg binding, and got 4 new chicks. Upcoming plans are to introduce the new girls to the OGs, fence in the backyard for easier free ranging, coop and run beautification, and a garden fence to keep the girls out of my veggies!
Currently I’ve been experimenting on one breed but with different bloodlines to see what I can get out of them, and that’s Red Jungle fowl hybrids. Mainly for hobby but with the more chicks that hatch, I’ll be selling the ones that won’t look as good for further breeding and I can sell those to other people who may want them. You know, as they say, another man’s “trash” is another man’s “treasure.” So I hope they don’t take all my money, more than they already have 😅… I hope they turn out purty as well!
Update: I’m a little chickcited this year. These are the older chicks and they’re looking gorgeous. Got a lot of youngin’s everywhere of all ages. But once they’re older some will be up for sale sooner or later.


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