cheeping before hatching... when?


11 Years
Nov 13, 2012
Hi folks, How far along is it possible to hear chicks cheeping before they hatch? I've heard they cheep just before hatching and have heard it on day 16, but not before. I could swear I've just heard them on day 13, but how is it possible unless they've gone into the air sac. None are pipping yet. So, I'm just wondering if I'm imagining things!!!!
You might have some early birds there that have internally pipped already. You could candle and see. As long as there are no external pips you can do a quick candle. You will also hear them tapping away in there and some are so active you can feel them when you hold the egg. Good luck with your hatch!
They are lil magicians Top Rooster. I learn something every time I incubate.
I'm reluctant to open and move the eggs Aart as I've got a full house of 60, and they are tightly packed in there, I'm afraid if I remove one I'll never get it back in!

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