Cheer me up, what are the GOOD things about pekins, mallards, buffs?

I have no one to blame but myself for having too high of hopes and for wasting my money on overpriced 'mixed surprise ducklings', but I am so disappointed in what came. I ordered 7 surprise duckies, 5 female and 2 straight run. I ended up getting 3 female pekins, 2 female buffs and SR mallards.

I currently have blue swedish and giant french muscovys for their beauty, rarity, and fun-ness, and khaki campbells and golden 300 hybrids for their eggs.

Was hoping for a fun or odd assortment to mix everything up but ended up with 3 of the most common, boring duck breeds out there, making them way overpriced in the bargain. Metzer farms had about 20 breeds of ducks and all were hatching at the time of my order.
As they are female, the pekins will be useless for meat and from what I've read they are average/below average layers. Same for the buffs? And the mallards are as common as they get.

Anyways I am obviously a bit put out, and all is my own fault for not picking out specific birds.

Can someone help me see the bright side of these breeds? Right now I am leaning towards selling them at a loss and finding something more neat/useful in terms of egg laying etc. Won't the pekins basically be eating a ton and producing few eggs? And aren't mallards skittish and runty? I don't know much about buffs other than they are buff.

Never doing surprise birds again. I was dreaming of maybe a runner, a rare breed (welsh harlequin, saxony, cayuga, silver appleyard, swedish etc), or what I already had perhaps to thicken the breeding stock, and a few useful ones as far as proficient layers. Obviously that was unrealistic.

Tell me I am being pessimistic and silly and these are great and sensible birds to have around until they die naturally! LOL
Perkins are excellent layers. We get one a day from our pekin female. And if you time and aim a camera just right on a nice day, white ones can take on an angelic glow.
I have no one to blame but myself for having too high of hopes and for wasting my money on overpriced 'mixed surprise ducklings', but I am so disappointed in what came. I ordered 7 surprise duckies, 5 female and 2 straight run. I ended up getting 3 female pekins, 2 female buffs and SR mallards.

I currently have blue swedish and giant french muscovys for their beauty, rarity, and fun-ness, and khaki campbells and golden 300 hybrids for their eggs.

Was hoping for a fun or odd assortment to mix everything up but ended up with 3 of the most common, boring duck breeds out there, making them way overpriced in the bargain. Metzer farms had about 20 breeds of ducks and all were hatching at the time of my order.
As they are female, the pekins will be useless for meat and from what I've read they are average/below average layers. Same for the buffs? And the mallards are as common as they get.

Anyways I am obviously a bit put out, and all is my own fault for not picking out specific birds.

Can someone help me see the bright side of these breeds? Right now I am leaning towards selling them at a loss and finding something more neat/useful in terms of egg laying etc. Won't the pekins basically be eating a ton and producing few eggs? And aren't mallards skittish and runty? I don't know much about buffs other than they are buff.

Never doing surprise birds again. I was dreaming of maybe a runner, a rare breed (welsh harlequin, saxony, cayuga, silver appleyard, swedish etc), or what I already had perhaps to thicken the breeding stock, and a few useful ones as far as proficient layers. Obviously that was unrealistic.

Tell me I am being pessimistic and silly and these are great and sensible birds to have around until they die naturally! LOL
Pekin ducks have amazing personalities, I’ve had two of them for two years, and I love them. I had a mallard once, and he was beautiful, but aggressive. Unfortunately I don’t know about buff ducks.
I have my own rescue (centraltexasduckrescue) but there are plenty in other areas here is a list of some I've found that wildlife rehabbers constantly need help with rehoming domestics unfortunately many domestic ducks get euthanized by wildlife rehabbers because they have noting to do with them and they can't be released.. I'd personally look contact your local wildlife rehabbers for domestics since they tend to get a lot, that's how I got dippy and most my other rescues is from people contacting the wildlife rehabber and the wildlife rehabber contacting me to get the duck. Dippy would've definitely been euthanized by a rehabber if he was taken to one he had a skull fracture and his cheek was broken he made a full recovery though.
Do you have a website?

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