
I Got mine at Kroger, Walmart also sell them. 4.00 per lb.

You can plant a few for your own tree also. Taste hard to say...hazel nut ? Not like black walnut....look like a Buckeye , but never eat BUCKEYES they are poison......
Well, the first thing to know is that a BAD chestnut can put you off 'em for a while. Bleaaaaaah! Mealy, dusty, off flavor. But that comes from stuffing them into your mouth without looking at what you've peeled, first.

You peel the outer covering off after they've split from roasting and stuff the roasted chestnut into your mouth and it's a warm, sort of nutty but not quite nutty taste.

You cut a cross in the top of the chestnut before roasting (or microwaving) them. That gives you the curled peel to pull off to get to the meat of the chestnut.

How does one describe flavor????

They're great in meals, but I love to eat them just as a holiday treat.

yes cut the cross in the shell , if not they can blow up in the oven...
I love chestnuts. I haven't eaten roasted ones ever since I moved from england though - there used to be some guy who'd take his cart down to our shopping centre, and sell bags of roasted chestnuts for Two pound fifty a piece. Yum!
Love chestnuts. When I lived up in NJ, and we had a fireplace insert, we'd put the chestnuts on the top of it and roast them there. They are like nothing Ive ever had before, very unique tasting, but so very very good.

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