Chick afterbirth???


5 Years
Feb 10, 2014
So far 4 out of 18 chicks have hatched…all by themselves. And I noticed when they come out they are bragging a green sac connected to them by a white cord… falls off, but is this normal??? This is my first hatch!
Congratulations on your first hatch! It's been a while since I've hatched with an incubator, but I think I remember that. As long as it's falling off and they're fine, don't worry about it.
Perfectly normal, don't worry. It will fall off by itself within a few hours after the hatch.
16 out of my 18 eggs have hatched!!! The 2 remaining eggs did not have pip's in them, so I took out all the chicks and egg shells and placed the unhatched eggs back inside the bator. I wrapped the eggs in warm wet paper towels and put them under the heat lamp until I got everyone out and the bator cleaned up. Hope that kept the humidity up enough for them. I will give them till monday to see if they hatch. That will be day 25. Not bad for my first hatch I think…..

24 eggs to start
2 non fertile
1 I thought was non fertile but developing….oppps!
3 quitters
18 went to lockdown
16 hatched and waiting to see about the other 2
That's not bad! I hope the two remaining eggs hatch for you as well. If Monday is day 25 they may well.

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