Chick at farm & home store with injured eye


11 Years
Apr 13, 2009
Murrayville, IL
Well my DD19 works at farm and home and calls me and said they have a hurt chick. I told her well just bring it home I guess lol they only wanted .50cents for it. When I get home I realize it is a bantam and she has no idea what kind lol. so i am asking for some help on identifying this chick.

Also it was being pecked on by the others and has a bloody eye. I dont think the actual eye is hurt but it is bloody under neath, is there anything special to do for that kind of injury or just wash and keep eye on it. chick seems to be doing ok.

will add pict asap


this little one is very sweet and wants to be held and cuddled or it chirp like you wouldnt believe a chick that small can be that loud lol my dd13 and i put in a soft cuddle buddy and that seemed to help.

Now we want to know what kind it might be. Thanks!!!
I don't know anything about banties so I can't help you with the ID. I can't tell from the pics, but if it's just a little bloody spot on the eyelid, I wouldn't worry about it. Keep an eye on it though in case the other chicks are attracted to the blood.
it is alone because it is injured and was being pecked by the other chicks, so until it is healed it will have to be in isolation to prevent more injury to it eye.
Sorry.. Yes unfortunately:weee I will have to get it sone buddies as soon as it is healed. It is such a problem, NOT lmbo. But awesome excuse lol.
I told my DH that I am now running a chick hospital lol. He was like you just got all the others outside what the heck? I just gave him a get over it look lol. Then last night he was sitting in his chair holding the chick watching tv. He is such a sucker and enabled lol. Just wish he would give in on the goat thing I want a milk goat lol

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