Chick attacked by cat. suggestions!! Update & More Questions!!!


10 Years
Jan 23, 2010
Berry Creek, Ca
We're in the process of building a run off of our growing hutch. One little chick escaped before it was finished and I found her in my kittens mouth. Her butt is a little bloody and featherless now and she is shaking and exhausted.(she really wont stand up but doesn't seem to be 'broken'!) She is sleeping inside in a box with a light right now but I'm unsure what to do. I was thinking maybe letting her rest then clean her up a little.
She's 4 weeks old, but small and a rumpless bantam mutt.

Would vitamins help her? or just R&R until she is healed. Please help!! I'm open for any suggestions!!

Stupid cat is on time-out and very lucky I didn't kill him!! He's a button-presser and is always getting into trouble! Sometimes I know he does things just to get thrown outside even though he knows better!! GGGRRR!!!!
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If you can't find anything broken, then mostly all you can do is supportive care. Yes vitamins and electrolites would be a good idea, along with keeping it warm and in a dim area. Good luck

Yes, yes, yes!!! Cat's mouths are VERY DIRTY and many times the little animals they get ahold of die of infection just as often as injury. I would definitely follow gallusdomesticus's advice and throughly clean any break in the skin and check out antibiotics at the FIRST sign of infection.
Okay here's an update:

Little Annie Oakly is doing okay. She's alive to start. The wounds are clean and are drying up nicely.

On the other hand she isn't eating or drinking on her own. I have to encourage her to drink water(which she will do on her own if I play around with the water) but will peck at the crumbles but not actually eat them. I have been mixing the chick crumbles and water to make a mash and I have to syringe feed it to her. She will drink the flavored water but when the chunks start to come out of the syringe she is done and wont take it! I did cook her an egg and she took a couple bites. but only because I gave her a friendly buddy for part of the day and she was eating too!

Also she keeps getting poo stuck to her butt. I'ts mostly white and runny, but occasionally will have green goo with it. I assume from not eating much?

She is sleeping an awful lot. also she tucks her head under her wing. I have never actually seen a chick do this. is it normal? she reminds me of a duck!

So how do I get her to eat? what do I feed her? How much and how many times a day? Will clipping the feathers keep the poo from getting stuck? or do I just have to keep giving her a 'butt bath'? Can chicks stress vomit? (I was cleaning her up and she puked a bit of water..) Do you think she's lonely and needs a buddy that's not gonna pick on her!!?

Ey Yi Yii... so many questions!!! Please help! This is my boyfriends favorite chick!!(and my second favorite based on looks alone!!
Try giving her some scrambled egg. Most of them love it and it's high in protien and should help her get her strength back. Good luck with her!!

Ugh! My second edit of the night because I'm not retaining what I read. I see you've already given her some egg.

Yes, if you have another chick that won't pick on her that may help. They usually are more comfortable with a friend. I'd keep on with the eggs and I've also had good luck with canned cat food as an appetite kick starte. It tends to be high in salt so you don't want to use it for days and days, but it can help get them started.
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