We're in the process of building a run off of our growing hutch. One little chick escaped before it was finished and I found her in my kittens mouth. Her butt is a little bloody and featherless now and she is shaking and exhausted.(she really wont stand up but doesn't seem to be 'broken'!) She is sleeping inside in a box with a light right now but I'm unsure what to do. I was thinking maybe letting her rest then clean her up a little.
She's 4 weeks old, but small and a rumpless bantam mutt.
Would vitamins help her? or just R&R until she is healed. Please help!! I'm open for any suggestions!!
Stupid cat is on time-out and very lucky I didn't kill him!! He's a button-presser and is always getting into trouble! Sometimes I know he does things just to get thrown outside even though he knows better!! GGGRRR!!!!
She's 4 weeks old, but small and a rumpless bantam mutt.
Would vitamins help her? or just R&R until she is healed. Please help!! I'm open for any suggestions!!
Stupid cat is on time-out and very lucky I didn't kill him!! He's a button-presser and is always getting into trouble! Sometimes I know he does things just to get thrown outside even though he knows better!! GGGRRR!!!!
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