Chick behavior when introduced to run


Feb 28, 2022
Leyden, Massachusetts
So today was the day I introduced my flock of 11 8-week old pullets to phase 1 of their own garden of Eden: the run. After transferring them from the brooder to the barn coop, I kept them in the coop for 1 week to make sure they bonded with it and saw it as their new home. At noon, I let them into the run. They were very curious, and after about 15 minutes they started down the ramp, rooster first and the ladies afterwards. They went nuts! It’s a big run with lots of sand, tree stumps, multiple diversions, and, of course, water and feed. To make it celebratory, I gave them a bunch of greens and a band (just kidding re latter). They ran around investigating, chirping and pecking for a few hours like kids in a candy store. Maybe 3 hours later, they all marched back into the coop where I found them huddled in the corner. The weather is in the low 70’s here, with a blue sky and breezes.

Is it typical for chicks to run back into the coop in good weather in full daylight?! Might it be the newness of the run and the outdoors?
New pullets (and cockerel) in new surroundings can do unpredictable things...but my gut tells me when I see that kind of behavior, something startled them and they ran to the coop for cover.

Now that something could have been almost anything in their little minds...but you might want to check to make sure you don't have hawks or coons or something making a "drive by" to the new tasty nuggets in the drive through.

Make sure they didnt get scared by anything but my chickens were to scared to go in or out of the coop at first. So supervise them outside for 30 min to an hour and if something scares them you will know or if they were scared of being out.
So today was the day I introduced my flock of 11 8-week old pullets to phase 1 of their own garden of Eden: the run. After transferring them from the brooder to the barn coop, I kept them in the coop for 1 week to make sure they bonded with it and saw it as their new home. At noon, I let them into the run. They were very curious, and after about 15 minutes they started down the ramp, rooster first and the ladies afterwards. They went nuts! It’s a big run with lots of sand, tree stumps, multiple diversions, and, of course, water and feed. To make it celebratory, I gave them a bunch of greens and a band (just kidding re latter). They ran around investigating, chirping and pecking for a few hours like kids in a candy store. Maybe 3 hours later, they all marched back into the coop where I found them huddled in the corner. The weather is in the low 70’s here, with a blue sky and breezes.

Is it typical for chicks to run back into the coop in good weather in full daylight?! Might it be the newness of the run and the outdoors?
At that age mine go back inside for naps. Periods of intense insanity alternating with naps either on a roost or piled in a corner in the coop.
Mine all did that ( 2 ) sets of young pullets) and it's a sweltering 100 here?!? They're all piled together I gently swoop them out after awhile so they can learn they won't DIE outside and they can cool off in wet dirt, drink, eat, etc. ! First batch I assumed they were having fun pretending to be top dogs while hens were outside( like sitting in Dad's recliner while he's gone :wee ) now they're fine . It's like a senior high school! Now those 1st set of chicks are my BULLIES!!! It's like they turned Seniors overnight! Poop heads! They bullied next set of 4 chicks even though they were raised together for 4 weeks! Chickens are goofballs. The 2nd set of chicks are now brave and all is well now , that took about 10 -14 days but they finally got it. Now roost time that's a different story . I've been lazy since it's so hot and let them roost outside in my secured coop/run ( kind of like sleeping in a tent in backyard! Lol
New pullets (and cockerel) in new surroundings can do unpredictable things...but my gut tells me when I see that kind of behavior, something startled them and they ran to the coop for cover.

Now that something could have been almost anything in their little minds...but you might want to check to make sure you don't have hawks or coons or something making a "drive by" to the new tasty nuggets in the drive through.

Hi there - thank you! I agree. Something probably startled them and they ran for the place they consider known and safe. I found them huddled in a corner of the coop! After a while they returned to the run and it was a challenge to get them back inside when dusk started to fall. Ha! I’m so glad to be learning chicken psychology 101 (not that I have any answers, just learning to focus on their behaviors to get to know them better)!
the fact that they all ran inside is a good thing, it shows they KNOW where security and safety is. If something does engage them, itll be easier for the roo to do his job and for them to stay safe if they all run inside to safety instead running nuts all over the place. Aaron
Thanks - agreed! I can tell you that Mr. Roosevelt was the first one out and the first one in — and they all follow suit! So glad they see the coop as their home.
Mine all did that ( 2 ) sets of young pullets) and it's a sweltering 100 here?!? They're all piled together I gently swoop them out after awhile so they can learn they won't DIE outside and they can cool off in wet dirt, drink, eat, etc. ! First batch I assumed they were having fun pretending to be top dogs while hens were outside( like sitting in Dad's recliner while he's gone :wee ) now they're fine . It's like a senior high school! Now those 1st set of chicks are my BULLIES!!! It's like they turned Seniors overnight! Poop heads! They bullied next set of 4 chicks even though they were raised together for 4 weeks! Chickens are goofballs. The 2nd set of chicks are now brave and all is well now , that took about 10 -14 days but they finally got it. Now roost time that's a different story . I've been lazy since it's so hot and let them roost outside in my secured coop/run ( kind of like sleeping in a tent in backyard! Lol
It’s amazing all the stages chicks go through. Sounds like you have a flock enjoying adolescence!
At that age mine go back inside for naps. Periods of intense insanity alternating with naps either on a roost or piled in a corner in the coop.
Ha! If something didn’t frighten mine, I think that’s what they may have been doing. I found them huddled in a corner of the coop — some time later they reappeared in the run happy as clams! Thanks for your response.

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