Chick Butt Problem


7 Years
Nov 30, 2012
Hi all. I have a problem. One of our new chicks has a wad of poop stuck in her butt hole. How do I get it out? thanks.
I always soaked the ball in warm water with oil in it and picked it off. Just make sure to completely dry the chicks butt off or they will get too cold. Good luck
If it is really wedged in then that would be the best way to go, but if its kinda loose you could just cut it out with a knife.
Good Luck!
One of my chicks is having some major issues with it's vent and or some kind of intestinal obstruction. I was going to ask if any of you knew of a BYC member/admin/other to seek out on this issue. Hoping to find someone that may be able to differentiate between pasting up vs. congential abnormalities based on the description of the symptoms.

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