Chick can't stand, please help!


7 Years
May 27, 2017
We had a batch of cochins hatch last night. After a little while we noticed that two of them couldn't stand, they just flailed their legs in front of themselves. we gave them the braces like for straddled legs and put them in little sock cups to keep their legs under them. This morning, one of them seems much better and can keep his legs under himself and can mostly stand now. The other one still has his legs in front of him and can't stand. He can kinda inch around the box by himself. We are going to try the brace again and see if that helps.

Does anyone know anything else we should try or how it might have happened? Could it be straddled legs? Their legs aren't out to the sides like I see in most pictures of it.

They were not on anything slippery that could have given them straddled legs. But, they did have some trouble getting out of their eggs because their membranes were very thick. there Is it possible they hurt themselves trying to push out of their eggs?


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Get some Nutri Drench vitamins in the asap.

Welcome to BYC!
He is doing much better now and can stand and walk a bit by himself. I was very worried about him this morning, and am so happy he is doing better. :wee
Thanks for the help!
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