Chick cheeping when I’m not in the room


Apr 15, 2020
I got 3 new chicks two days ago (they were a few days old when I got them) and one of them is especially vocal. He cheeps loudly when I leave the brooder room, and quiets down when I come back in. The other two chicks seem perfectly fine and content. This chick just seems to want attention?? They have food and water (the chick is eating drinking and pooping normally) and have a heating pad nest that they can go under when they want to warm up. When I am in the room or holding the chick he seems perfectly happy and content. Any suggestions?
If it’s perfectly healthy and all its needs are met then my idea is that it wants its mommy. There’s always one that is like that in my experience. They usually outgrow it.

If you like tending to it every 5 secs then by all means, they’ll be attached to you but if you have 40 chicks all different ages in different brooders, then I would just let it be.
Thank you Hysop! I was hoping this was perhaps the case. I have eggs hatching in a couple of days that I should be able to put in with these three (they will only be 8-9 days apart in age) and maybe that will help. My other chicks are much older, about 4 weeks so I doubt this chick would want to be in a pen with them.
Picture of the little cheeper. He seems healthy in every other aspect. 70ADEB62-62A3-40DD-9D77-660AD80F3A49.jpeg
I do put him under the heat pretty much every time I go in there, and I have seen him go under the heat on his own... still cheeping frequently and he’s been at my house over 24 hours. Hoping tomorrow he will be a bit more calm.
I do put him under the heat pretty much every time I go in there, and I have seen him go under the heat on his own... still cheeping frequently and he’s been at my house over 24 hours. Hoping tomorrow he will be a bit more calm.

Mine calmed down after about a week I think.

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