chick chirpping in egg but no egg movement


6 Years
Apr 18, 2013
Hi. My egg has been chirpping for 15 hours. the egg has not moved at all! It is the 21 day. will it pip soon or move soon? is it stuck? should i help it? it is a homemade incubator. Is it okay to hatch a little late? Please help it is my first hatch! Thank You. :)
Hi. My egg has been chirpping for 15 hours. the egg has not moved at all! It is the 21 day. will it pip soon or move soon? is it stuck? should i help it? it is a homemade incubator. Is it okay to hatch a little late? Please help it is my first hatch!  Thank You. :)

It might be stuck your humidity might not be high enough. You may have to put a little hole in the aircell part to let it have fresh air.

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